Clam War. Festival without Civitanova people

Clam War. Festival without Civitanova people
Clam War. Festival without Civitanova people

One step away from the clam war, but it has nothing to do with – as it happened in the past – the tug of war between the Civitanova fleet and the Ancona fleet on the fishing borders of the maritime compartments.

This time the fuse is lit by the Festival della Vongola, which will be held at Varco sul mare and which at the moment sounds exactly like a real slap in the face to the local crews, excluded from an event that will only promote the Doric product.

In fact, it is expected that all the tastings offered to those who participate will be seasoned with clams from the Co.Ge.Vo consortium of Ancona, with a promotion in the advertising flyer of a restaurant in Porto Recanati. The initiative will take place from 5 to 7 July, organized by the Consortium for the management of clam fishing in the Ancona area, to which the Municipality of Civitanova has granted patronage, and with the opening of the works entrusted to the municipal fisheries councilor, Francesco Caldaroni, who is also a sailor from Civitanova.

The choice to promote the fish product caught north of Porto Recanati, the clam diggers of Co.Ge.Vo of Civitanova do not like it. Yesterday morning they showed up united at Palazzo Sforza and sang to the mayor Fabrizio Ciarapica, making him understand that they are not willing to suffer the insult without batting an eye.

The festival’s setting is also causing discussion among several political figures within the majority that governs the city, not without irritation towards councilor Caldaroni, and in general towards a showcase that – in the feelings of local fishermen – ignores and damages them.

The festival program includes the opening on Friday at 6 pm with speeches by Caldaroni himself and then by Giacomo Mengoni, from Civitanova and president of the Co.Ge.Vo of Ancona, by Matteo De Carlo who is the technical-scientific manager of the Co.Ge.Vo dorico, by the nutritionist Elena Andrenacci, by the manager of the Industry, Crafts and Credit sector of the Marche Region Silvano Bertini, and by Valerio Temperini, of the management department of the “Giorgio Fuà” economics faculty of Ancona.

At 8pm on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, all the space will be left for tasting clams, but only those from Ancona.

Lorena Cellini

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