Falls on a path in the Le Filicaie area, rescued by Firefighters and Pegaso

Falls on a path in the Le Filicaie area, rescued by Firefighters and Pegaso
Falls on a path in the Le Filicaie area, rescued by Firefighters and Pegaso

Rescue operations were activated around midday today, Monday 1 July, to provide assistance to a woman who fell while walking along a path in the area of ​​the Le Filicaie mountain ridge, near Mount Capanne, together with her husband and two children.

The ambulance of the Red Cross of Campo nell’Elba and the Fire Brigade of the Portoferraio detachment were on site. The Fire Brigade team reached the summit with the cable car and then continued on foot to reach the man.

Given the inaccessible place where the accident occurred, the 118 operations room decided to also activate the Pegaso 2 helicopter, which reached Elba at 2:15 p.m. Once the medical personnel had been lowered to the accident site, the helicopter landed on the landing pad at the top of Capanne.

The Italian woman, on holiday in Elba, according to the first information we are receiving, seems to have fallen a few metres and suffered a head injury.

The patient was stabilized and taken in charge by Pegaso 2 who transferred her, with a yellow code, to the emergency room of the Livorno hospital to undergo diagnostic tests and appropriate treatment.

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