Geo Barents in Ancona, among the 34 castaways there is a young girl – Photo

Geo Barents in Ancona, among the 34 castaways there is a young girl – Photo
Geo Barents in Ancona, among the 34 castaways there is a young girl – Photo

(ANSA) – ANCONA, JULY 2 – The humanitarian ship Geo Barents of Doctors Without Borders landed at 8:30 at dock 19 of the port of Ancona with 34 shipwrecked people on board: 19 adults and 15 minors, 14 of whom are unaccompanied. Among the shipwrecked migrants, rescued on June 27 off the coast of Libya, there is also a minor girl. The first health checks are underway on the vessel and the reception and identification procedures are being coordinated by the Prefecture of Ancona. On the dock there are all the institutions usually involved including the police, civil protection, coast guard, firefighters and health workers including the Red Cross which, given the presence of children among the migrants, also brought boxes of toys to welcome them. Twenty-seven of the shipwrecked people will be hosted in the Marche region while seven of the minors will be taken care of by the Ministry of the Interior and transferred to facilities in Molise. Present on the dock at the start of the disembarkation and identification operations, among others, the prefect of Ancona Saverio Ordine and the police commissioner Cesare Capocasa. For the port of Ancona, since the beginning of 2023, this is the tenth humanitarian ship landed with a total of one thousand shipwrecked people welcomed; the third vessel of this type to land in the Marche region in 2024. (ANSA).

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