It’s time to ‘Stay’! From June to September a program of events dedicated to good culture and the art of being together

It’s time to ‘Stay’! From June to September a program of events dedicated to good culture and the art of being together
It’s time to ‘Stay’! From June to September a program of events dedicated to good culture and the art of being together

Stay returns with hundreds of initiatives, shows and workshops for summer 2024 and with its ability to transmit Culture, Fun, Leisure and the Art of being together. From June to September the Municipality of Reggio Emilia and the Palazzo Magnani Foundation – with the indispensable cultural and artistic contribution of Fondazione i Teatri e Conservatorio Peri-Merulo, Ater Fondazione with Festival Mundus and the support of Iren as special sponsor – propose a program rich and varied which will involve the squares and other public places of the city, in the historic center, in the neighborhoods, in the Villas.

They said

The Restate 2024 program was illustrated to the press this morning by the mayor of Reggio Emilia Marco Massari, in one of the venues of the summer event, Palazzo da Mosto: “I began my mandate as mayor – he said – in close contact with culture: last Sunday the prestigious Borciani Prize and today the presentation of the long-awaited and varied Restate Billboard . These are two occasions that make me feel proud of how much Reggio Emilia is able to produce in terms of cultural proposals and activities. “This year’s Restate program – added the mayor – is particularly rich, it offers hundreds of initiatives which are the result of a very interesting and characteristic path of our city, because it involves not only the historic center but also the neighborhoods, not only the cultural institutions but also local associations, volunteering, civic participation. This is a way to create community and stay together. It is also a quality program, which covers many different cultural areas and for which I thank all the different entities that contributed to making it happen, including the Palazzo Magnani Foundation and the Municipality Services involved, Iren and the other sponsors who decided to support him.”

“The program of events promoted and organized for this Restate 2024 – said the manager of the Municipality’s cultural services, Valentina Galloni – involves, in continuity with what has been done in past years, the symbolic places of the city, from the historic center to the villas, which become the beating heart of culture and entertainment during the summer months. The Palazzo dei Musei and the Libraries are in fact busy with their contributions also throughout the summer, through initiatives, exhibitions, guided tours and the constant return to the city of the photographic art of Luigi Ghirri and of the cinematographic art with Cinema in the square and in the summer area. It is a rich and diversified offer which, with hundreds of events, meetings, shows and concerts, is able to provide a response to different audiences of all ages”.

“The offer of ‘Qua Restate 2024 in the neighbourhoods’ – explained the manager of the Municipality’s Participation Policy Service, Nicoletta Levi – proposes activities promoted within places characterized by hybridisation, with different proposals that arise from subjects who have decided to work together to rethink those same places and reopen them to public and social functions. This is a path started in 2021 and which, at the end of 2023, saw the creation – with over 50 preparatory meetings, 700 participants including associations and citizens, 65 signatories of Citizenship Agreements – of 440 initiatives and appointments, to which we have recorded over 56 thousand attendances”.

“Summer in the historic center – highlighted the manager of the Municipality’s Productive Activities Service Lorena Belli – is also characterized by a series of events that we can define as ‘person-friendly’, as they combine music and dance – in different genres from smooth to pop, from rock to tango – with the desire to meet and be together, among friends , between families, to fully experience the city center in all its parts and satisfy the needs of different audiences”.

Also present at the press conference were fine Alessia Benevelli responsible for Communications of the Palazzo Magnani Foundation, who highlighted the various musical proposals and the Vola Alta Parola poetry review hosted in high-profile cultural assets such as the Cloisters of San Pietro and San Domenico, Piazza San Prospero and the Palazzo da Must; Roberto De Lellis director of Ater Fondazione, who highlighted the artistic and multicultural quality of the Mundus events included in the Restate Programme; And Deanna Ferretti which underlined the civic and solidarity aspects of Restate, which are expressed in the concert on Thursday 20 June at the Cloisters of San Pietro with the concert of the Merulo Big Band, with charitable purposes in support of CuraRE for the new Mire – Maternity and Childhood Reggio Emilia.

Call and network for culture

The Restate 2024 program is realized thanks to the involvement and collaboration between the main cultural institutions of the city, the social centres, the Arci clubs and the numerous cultural and voluntary associations and civic groups.

Among these, the winners of Culture announcement #RE24 of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia: La Mirandola Aps social centre, Orologio social centre, Cinqueti Aps cultural association, On Art Aps, Teatro del Cigno Carabas Association, Fondazione Famiglia Sarzi Ets, Rigenera social cooperative society, Arci Natiscalzi Dt Aps, Anpi Reggio Emilia, Aerco Emilia-Romagna Association of Choirs aps, Arci Solidarietà Odv, L’Ovile Cooperativa di Solidarietà Sociale scrl, Arci Association – Territorial Committee of Reggio Emilia aps, City of Reggio aps, Teatro dell’Orsa aps, Punto ea capo aps, Avanti the fifth.
Some of the projects that make up the Restate 2024 program are carried out by the network’s associations Superculturethe path launched in October 2022 which brings together 15 cultural organizations and institutions in the Reggio Emilia area, with the aim of developing project ideas in terms of social innovation, sustainability, relations with the city and building networks, to promote cultural projects with social impact and to create a community of practice.
After having consolidated skills and shared cultural planning tools with social and civic impact, the subjects involved have stipulated a collaborative cultural community agreement with an urban dimension: a pact between people and organizations who share resources, methods and design ideas with a view to the collaborative economy .

The following are part of the Superculture network: Arci Reggio Emilia, Associazione 5T, Centro Teatrale Mamimò, Cinqueminuti, Circolo Arci Picnic, Compagnia del Buco, Dinamica, Filarmonica Città del Tricolore, Galline Volanti, Natiscalzi Dt, Neon, Teatro del Cigno, Teatro dell’Orsa , Acer Reggio Emilia, Palazzo Magnani Foundation. Superculture takes place as part of the Open Laboratory of the Cloisters of San Pietro, financed with European funds Por Fesr Emilia-Romagna 2014-2020, Axis 6 “Attractive and participatory cities”. The second stage of the project was financed by the 2022 Participation Call, promoted annually by the Emilia-Romagna Region as part of law 15 of 2018.

The photograph that identifies Restate 2024 and is reproduced among other things in the same Guide is by Silva Nironi and it’s called Bla Bla Bla. The image is part of the project entitled “Nature and dream” exhibited at
Blanc Cafè as part of the Off Circuit of European Photography 2024. Silva Nironi conducts a visionary and original artistic research with digital and photo-pictorial collages of a surrealist nature, where fragments of text and photographic and cinematographic images lead us to a poetic narrative between evocation and reference, fiction and reality, past and present (this piece can be eliminated if it stretches the soup too much).

Restate 2024 benefits from the support of: Special sponsor Iren; Main sponsor: Attolini Spaggiari Zuliani & Associati Law and Tax Firm; Sponsor: Emil Banca Credito Cooperativo, Coopservice, Riunite municipal pharmacies, NaturaSì. Technical sponsor: ProMusic.

The shows at the Cloisters of San Pietro are financed thanks to the European Funds of the Emilia-Romagna Region.

Complete program Restate 2024

In the historic center, in the villas and neighborhoods

This year too, with the good weather, the city’s neighborhoods come alive with a rich program of initiatives that are part of the Restate2024 program to enliven the summer of the people of Reggio in a widespread way from May to October.

The protagonists are the summer posters of Villa Levi, Palazzo Vecchio al Mauriziano, the “Le Ginestre” park, the Gabrina Garden and, from this year, the Parco del Legno in via Cecati. These places – in addition to being important urban polarities – were the subject of collaborative projects within the project “Qua_common good neighborhood” and they were returned to the city thanks to the collaboration with the citizens, becoming real centers of shared planning between the Administration and the partner subjects involved. This work has therefore allowed the creation of activities designed “tailor-made” for the spaces and neighborhoods in which they are located.

These 5 places are very different from each other even if they all refer to the theme of the environment and greenery as a value in itself and as an infrastructure capable of enabling resources and social activities important for the quality of life. Over the course of these years of collaboration, they have developed an experimental model of collaborative management of places, thus sharing the challenges of cultural planning and environmental animation as key factors for the relevant neighborhoods and for the entire city. The management groups are characterized by multiple realities and with different vocations but, thanks to co-management, they have been able to hybridize their proposal, thus offering new solutions and activities. Over the years they have each found their own identifying feature and loyalized their own audience. Net of those this year which are not yet available, the activity and public satisfaction data have proved this experiment right: over 440 initiatives for 56,000 users are the results of this project which promoted the temporary use of places thanks to the activation of collaborative management as an intervention model for small-scale urban regeneration.

In addition to the events that will take place in these five places, there will be many initiatives that will enliven the summer in the Reggio Emilia neighborhoods, from the activities of the Neighborhood Houses, to the many initiatives and projects developed with local associations.

In the heart of summer

The calendar of appointments and events in the historic center ‘In the heart of summer’ is back, to rediscover a “person-friendly” way of being together that puts social relationships at the center: from dancing to children’s games, from sport to “crickets” with pedals for the little ones.

Piazza Martiri del 7 July, Piazza della Vittoria, Parco del Popolo and Piazza Prampolini will be the setting for events which aim to strengthen citizens’ ties with their historic center and offer, at the same time, a significant opportunity for activities productive ones, in particular the commercial ones, called to make the city welcoming and “open”.

All the events of “In the heart of summer”

Popular Summer

From June to September shows, shows and workshops in the neighborhoods of Reggio Emilia Shows, creative workshops, narratives and games. This and much more is Popular Estate, the program of open-air events that animates the courtyards, squares and parks of 14 neighborhoods of Reggio Emilia with over one hundred activities from June to September. A proposal from Acer and the Municipality of Reggio Emilia – Housing Department, with the collaboration of the cultural associations operating in the city area.

All the events of Estate Popolare

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