Occhiuto prohibits external work during the hottest hours of the day

Occhiuto prohibits external work during the hottest hours of the day
Occhiuto prohibits external work during the hottest hours of the day

Ordinance issued regarding agricultural, construction and similar sectors

The president of the Calabria Region, Roberto Occhiuto, issued an ordinance with which he established a ban on external work during the hottest hours of the day, and in particular from 12.30 to 16.

The provision, which takes effect immediately and will remain in force until August 31st, concerns, in particular, the agricultural, horticultural, construction and similar sectors “in conditions of prolonged exposure of workers to the sun”.

The ordinance underlines the fact that “the rise in temperatures, typical of the current period, makes carrying out work activities risky, especially in sectors for which work is carried out mainly outdoors.

And that the high air temperature, humidity and prolonged exposure to the sun represent a danger to the health of workers, exposed for long periods of time to solar radiation and therefore at risk of thermal stress and heat stroke with even lethal outcomes.”

“The ordinance – it is specified – was issued pending an agreement between the employer and trade union partnership, of which the Region will promote, which can better protect, on an ordinary basis, the health of workers who work in climatic conditions which can cause health risks.”

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