On 29 June in via Ratti inauguration of the Casa delle autonomie: the project of the Savona autism association “Look at me in the eyes”

On 29 June in via Ratti inauguration of the Casa delle autonomie: the project of the Savona autism association “Look at me in the eyes”
On 29 June in via Ratti inauguration of the Casa delle autonomie: the project of the Savona autism association “Look at me in the eyes”

Savona. In 2022, the Ministry for Disabilities allocated resources to the Regions to implement initiatives dedicated to people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The Liguria Region received a share of resources equal to 2,550,000 euros and with an innovative spirit decided to allocate these funds to Third Sector Bodies operating in the field of autism, which came together in co-planning to create the “Living the Life”

The association the Savona Autism Association “Look at me in the eyes” – APS has been admitted to co-planning and will therefore be able to take advantage of part of these resources with which it will activate initiatives for minors and young adults with DSA until December 2025, within of two lines of intervention: Line A, dedicated to socialization interventions aimed at minors and young people up to 21 years of age;
Line B, dedicated to experimental residential projects aimed at young people aged 21 and over.

The actions throughout the territory of our province will be carried out by the Association for the Savona area, in synergy with ANFFAS Albenga for the western area and with the Cooperativa Il Faggio for Savona and Val Bormida.

In total, the beneficiaries who will be able to participate in our association’s projects are 6 for line A and 4 for line B. They will be followed by a psychologist, psychotherapist and professional educators from the Progetto Città Social Cooperative, with which our Association has been working for years. activated a fruitful collaboration.

The apartment that will be inaugurated will be used for the actions of line B, which according to the indications of the Ministry must carry out: “Experimental residential and supported living projects aimed at promoting the well-being and quality of life of people with mental disorders autism spectrum”
In summary, support programs for housing autonomy are activated aimed at acquiring personal, domestic, social and community autonomy skills. Individualized courses will be created, single or in a small group, which consist of:
• laboratory activity aimed at developing independent living conditions preparatory to leaving the family unit of origin;
• overnight stays outside the comfort zone aimed at gradual detachment from the family of origin and generalization in a real life context of the skills acquired in the laboratory environment;
• socialization and leisure activities with the collaboration of sporting, recreational and cultural associations present in the area aimed at developing autonomy relating to the new life context.

Based on the objectives of the individual participants, individualized paths will be proposed aimed at experimenting with independent living first through laboratory activities at the association’s apartment and outings in the area; at a later stage the overnight stay and related activities will also be tested. During the entire duration of the project, socialization and leisure activities will also be activated in collaboration with local recreational and cultural associations and sporting activities in collaboration with the CSI which carries out transversal action throughout the province of Savona.

The implementation of the project involves the presence of two professional educators who carry out direct educational activities with the beneficiaries involved; the aforementioned educators are provided by the social cooperative “Progetto Città”. The work is coordinated and supervised by a psychologist with a freelance contract.

Excursions will also be carried out in the area to experiment with daily activities involving the use of public transport, orientation in the city through walking routes, shopping at shops, planning and management of the daily and weekly agenda. The available budget will be used for staff expenses (educators and psychologist), rent and utilities for the apartment, purchase of equipment and instruments to integrate the furnishings of the apartment. The families involved in the project are expected to share in the costs for the purchase of consumables, food, means of transport and outings.

The overall cost of the project is €75,024.00, of which €67,374.00 financed with regional funds, €4,050.00 with the Association’s own funds and €3,600.00 from participant fees.

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