Adolfo Celi Award kicks off

Cinema and culture at the service of solidarity. The Adolfo Celi Award starts again from here, now in its fifth edition this year. From 27 to 29 June the event promoted and organized by CIRS with the patronage of the Municipality of Messina, the regional department for Tourism, Sport and Entertainment and the regional department for Cultural Heritage and Sicilian Identity. It’s still You can book your invitation to participate in the Grand Gala scheduled for Saturday 29 June at 8.30 pm at the Arena Cicciò del Palacultura. Just call 090-362235 from Monday to Friday, 9am-1pm, or contact Cirs on the social pages at the links and .

During the evening, hosted by journalists Marika Micalizzi and Fabio Mazzeo, the “Adolfo Celi Awards” will be awarded to actors, directors and personalities from the world of cinema and culture. On stage, among others, the actors of the successful TV series “A ladies’ paradiseRoberto Farnesi, Gloria Radulescu and Emanuel Caserio with the manufacturer Giannandrea Pecorelli and the actress Margherita Aresti from the TV series “A professor – second season”. Everyone on the front line alongside Cirs to say no to gender violence. Not by chance the entire proceeds from the event will be allocated to training and job placement projects for women guests of the family home and appropriately accounted for. At the center, the memory of the unforgettable actor from Messina Adolfo Celi.

Numerous events are scheduled during the three days dedicated to cinema. Among these, June 29th at 4pm – Cinema Lux screening of the film “L’alibi” by Adolfo Celi followed by a round table with the directors Leonardo Celi, Jacopo Gassmann and Daniele Vicari, coordinated by the film historian and critic Nino Genovese.

The directors also received the award during the evening gala Stefano Reali, Daniele Vicari and Jacopo Gassmann, the stylist and creative director of “Cavalli” Fausto Puglisithe Rai writer and producer Amy Tom Thumbthe artistic director of the Messina Film Festival Ninni Panzerathe president of Taobuk Antonella Ferrarathe cartoonist Lelio Bonaccorso, the actor Amedeo Gullà from the Rai TV series “Mameli” And the Sistine Academy of Messinadirected by Massimo Romeo Piparo with the contacts Paris Acacia And Sarah Lanza.

The evening will be enriched by two moments curated by the Sistina of Messina, present on stage with 40 dancerswho will perform a medley of the most loved and acclaimed musicals by the public, while the singer Natale Munaò will perform a musical homage to Adolfo Celi.

The program:

27 June – University of Messina 3.30 pm: Study day “Gender violence and language: when the right words create prevention”

27 June – Villa Cianciafara 6.30 pm: presentation of Stefano Reali’s book “Shakespeare AEnigma”

28 June 6.30pm – Marina del Nettuno Yachting club: Round table “Messina film set: the places, history and development prospects”, with the participation of institutional representatives, producers and directors.

June 29th at 4.00pm – Cinema Lux screening of the film “L’alibi” by Adolfo Celi followed by a round table with the directors Leonardo Celi, Jacopo Gassmann and Daniele Vicari, coordinated by the cinema historian Nino Genovese.

29 June grand solidarity gala at 8.30pm – Arena Cicciò Palacultura: evening show in which the “Adolfo Celi Awards” will be awarded to actors, directors and personalities from the world of cinema and culture.

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