Gina Lollobrigida, Javier Rigau: “No property rights”

Gina Lollobrigida’s ex-husband, Javier Rigau tells his truth about the actress’s heritage on “Mattino Cinque”: “I have no rights, Sophia Loren’s 1957 contract was copied”. A few words but decided to clarify a still unresolved thorny issue.

Rigau clarifies his position and goes on the attack on Gina Lollobrigida’s factotum – “I have been a widower since Gina died, but I have no right to a fortune that was smaller than mine before Andrea Piazzola arrived” declares the Spaniard who adds other details: “I don’t even have the right to the “legitimate”. Gina wanted to copy the marriage contract signed by Sophia Loren in 1957 when she married Carlo Ponti. He copied it to avoid scandal. ‘Should I find a formula that allows us to get married?’ Gina had told me in 2008 in Pietrasanta and after four months she decided to adopt the formula of Sophia Loren “.

The Question of Fake Marriage – “Do you know why she reported me for the false wedding? It all happened after Piazzola, at Christmas 2012, had asked me to give false testimony, saying that Gina’s son mistreated her and I refused. In January 2013 he told me called, saying to go to Rome and I went. – continues Rigau – The jack of all trades, who was also my driver, came to pick me up and took me to the barracks where my father had worked as a carabiniere to denounce me without Gina’s knowledge. I take responsibility for what I say, because it’s all written in the papers filed in court. I have faith in justice that will clarify and prove everything”.

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