Minos workers, Galletta: “It is imperative to overturn the balance of power that has so far kept our Community bent”

Minos workers, Galletta: “It is imperative to overturn the balance of power that has so far kept our Community bent”
Minos workers, Galletta: “It is imperative to overturn the balance of power that has so far kept our Community bent”

CIVITAVECCHIA – “The heartfelt cry of the workers always represents a priority, to be welcomed with clarity and determination, because the Minos workers are right to ask for concreteness and not empty promises. The concrete data tell us that it was a known fact that 2025 would arrive, just as an unfortunately known fact is the total indeterminacy, to date, of what the reconversion path should be that finally, once and for all, can break the perverse work-health blackmail carried out for decades on the backs of citizens.

Unfortunately, servitudes are an issue on which we maintain a sad record; just think back to the history of Italcementi, which was consumed by exploitation and workers’ struggles, silicosis and white lime on the clotheslines, a site abandoned like an old rag, without even the semblance of compensation for the territory.

An epilogue that cannot and must not be repeated, so it is imperative to overturn the balance of power that has so far kept our Community bent, restoring dignity and contractual capacity to the city. There is no doubt that discussion is the basis of everything, but at the advanced point we have reached without any shared determination having been made, it must be acknowledged that the time of the tables is over, suffocated by silences, stalling, opportunism, reshuffles and reshuffle.

It is the time of the classrooms, the institutional ones, designated for official pronouncements, where a Municipal Administration that is clear about the interests of the citizens it administers enters the decision-making phase and formally summons the parties involved to ask for an account of the due compensation from those who on the backs of Civitavecchiesi maintained important economic potentates. A redemption timetable to be built through a network of collaboration with social organizations, to which all the institutional comfort can be offered in the phase of negotiations, employers, economic and institutional realities, under the firm guidance of a capable Municipal Administration, no longer subordinate and no longer confused by reshuffles and reshuffles, offering a contribution of solid reference to the organizations responsible for representing workers.

Starting from the transitional phase which will have to see the relocation of all direct staff and related personnel from the divestment plans, with the immediate launch of a major training regeneration plan to which companies will be able to make their own decisive contribution, because as it is clear if the labor market changes, the inevitable effort to adapt will have to find its outlets, in a logic of overall synergy in a new season of valorisation of the local workforce which has always constituted excellence on the national scene, penalized for some time now by the loss of credibility of local politics and institutions, incapable of attracting investments with perspective and adequate impact.

Dialogue but firmly to bring to a resolution this important dispute of the workers of Minosse with Enel, Tirreno Power, Port Authority, Compagnia Portuale and all the trade unions, also activating all forms of economic protection for the workers of Minosse through the procurement of shock absorbers social issues, this is the commitment and the solution that I guarantee, if I am elected Mayor of Civitavecchia, to the demands of the Minos workers and to anyone, male and female, male and female workers of our Community who may find themselves in the future in the difficult situation of losing their own work”

Roberta Galletta candidate for mayor of Civitavecchia

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