Success for Reggio with Ryanair, decline for Lamezia and Crotone

Success for Reggio with Ryanair, decline for Lamezia and Crotone
Success for Reggio with Ryanair, decline for Lamezia and Crotone
Reggio Calabria Airport

Reggio Calabria’s ‘Tito Minniti’ Airport takes off with a +130.4% of passengers in May 2024, while Lamezia Terme and Crotone face declines and challenges

In the Calabria airport context, the month of May 2024 saw the “Tito Minniti” Airport of Reggio Calabria take flight with a significant increase in passengers. According to official data, the number of travelers was 57,157, marking an impressive increase of +130.4% compared to the previous year. This result, widely welcomed as a success, was largely attributed to the strategic partnership with Ryanair, which contributed significantly to the relaunch of the airport.

In contrast, other major airports in the region showed mixed trends. Lamezia Terme International Airport recorded a -14.1% decline in domestic passengers, with a total of 171,468 travelers, while international passengers recorded a modest increase of +3%, reaching 65,058 passengers. Overall, Lamezia Terme saw 237,028 passengers, marking a decrease of -10.3% compared to the previous year.

Crotone Airport also showed a slight decrease with 24,832 passengers in May 2024, showing a decrease of -1.6% compared to the same period of the previous year.

These data highlight the different dynamics and strategies adopted by Calabrian airports. While Reggio Calabria emerges as a leader thanks to its new low-cost flight offering, Lamezia and Crotone are facing challenges of adapting to an ever-changing air market.

READ ALSO: Ryanair wins €47 million contract for tourism in Calabria

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