All failed in the competition in the Municipality, Paglione warns Mayor Borrelli: «No to new selections»

The story of the competition for the hiring of an employee for the registry office causes discussion and sparks a political battle Belmonte del Sannio. The news, given exclusively by our newspaper, is that all the participants in the selection were rejected. With the Municipality led by Errico Borrelli who still had to pay the fees due to the members of the commission and to the external company that managed the competition phases. A figure of around twelve thousand euros, public money spent without the competition giving the desired result, i.e. the selection of a figure to be employed by the registry office.

The minority councilor Tonino Paglione he now warns Mayor Borrelli and the administration against announcing a new competition, spending more public money to drain from the institution’s coffers. «The actual participants in the preliminary test were thirty-five, – explains the minority leader – of these only fourteen passed the test and then took the written test; the second written test took place in recent days and the results were nothing short of “scandalous”, i.e. the preparation of the candidates was so low, so much so that almost all of them deserved marks between zero, one and two and, considering that these votes were expressed out of thirty, one can imagine their level of preparation. To carry out these competitive tests, our Municipality has allocated the sum of twelve thousand euros, of which over six thousand are used only for the construction company Avellino who provided the technical-IT support to carry out these exams”.

The band wraps the mayor of Belmonte del Sannio, Errico Borrelli with the Prefect Tancredi

Then councilor Paglione, as already done during the recent municipal council, warns the administration from holding a new competition. «If a new identical competition were announced, how many new competitors would there be in addition to those already participating in the previous one? – Paglione asks polemically – In a short time the competitors would be the usual thirty-five interested, if not even less, considering that many of them, demoralized by the results of the first competition, would not even participate in the next one. We certainly don’t want to believe that, in the second competition, the pool of candidates will expand so much that a super-prepared winner is finally hired, different from those already examined. The above – adds the opposition representative – has a non-negligible economic impact for the municipal coffers; the money that the institution would have to spend again to carry out a second competition would represent expenses that we taxpayers of Belmonte del Sannio cannot afford”.

The minority councilor, Tonino Paglione

«The problem of the registry office can be easily resolved with the methods I have already verbally anticipated during the last Council, – closes Paglione – that is, it is enough to search for the open and still valid rankings of other Municipalities in our province, or of the provinces nearby, and there draw the suitable candidates in the ranking; this would allow us to hire an employee quickly and at negligible costs.”

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