The eighteenth festival of the Gesso and Stura River Park is dedicated to water

The eighteenth festival of the Gesso and Stura River Park is dedicated to water
The eighteenth festival of the Gesso and Stura River Park is dedicated to water

On Friday 21 June, starting from 4.30 pm, in the relaxation area under the Sanctuary of the Angels, the Cuneo summer begins with the eighteenth edition of the Park Festival on the banks of the Gesso stream. The theme chosen this year for the traditional early summer picnic is water: a vital resource, local and global heritage, the heart of the ecological corridor that the Gesso and Stura river park represents.

As always, the Park festival will begin at 4.30pm, welcoming children of all ages: this year, in fact, in addition to the stage route for the little ones, the Cuneo Players Academy will offer some environmentally themed board and role-playing games . The Park operators, coordinated by the Itur Cooperative, will accompany the children in a story taken from the book The wonderful journey of a drop with many activities in close contact with nature. At the end of the games, the young participants will be given a small gift signed by Agrimontana, a local company committed to supporting environmental education and the promotion of the Gesso and Stura river park.

This will be followed by the usual picnic on the banks of the stream and the dessert offered by the Park. There will be a surprise for everyone present, who will have the opportunity to take home a special memory of this day.

At 9 pm, in collaboration with the Il Melarancio Company of Cuneo, the opening show of the summer festival “Incanti in città” entitled ACCADUEÒ, proposed by the Giallo Mare Minimal Teatro Company, will be staged. The show tells how water contains within itself the memory of all stories because it is the origin of the world. Eight short stories will reveal the dove that escapes from the universal flood, the whale that gets sick after swallowing a plastic bag, the drop of the spring imprisoned in a bottle and many other characters that belong to our culture. The show was built with a technique that allows different languages ​​to interact. In addition to the actress, there is, in fact, a live multimedia artist who sculpts, models and draws the scenes with sand which are projected live via a video camera.

The shapes, real paintings, therefore become the multifaceted scenography that accompanies the stories. As per tradition, at the end of the party the Wild Animal Recovery Center (CRAS) of Bernezzo will give the public an exciting moment by releasing some rehabilitated animals ready to return to the wild.

Participation in the Park Festival is completely free and registration is not necessary, but again this year for a party dedicated to sustainability, participants are warmly invited to bring with them compostable or non-disposable water bottles and tableware, reducing plastic to a minimum. The event is supported by the project Lungo le Vie dell’Acqua: Environment, Culture, Quality of Life to Educate for Global Citizenship financed by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation.

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