The European Public Prosecutor’s Office’s appeal against the denial of the seizure of an Emilian company has not yet been discussed

The second panel of the Court of Latina composed of the three judges Coculo-Nadile-Villani has postponed to next autumn, October 4th, the appeal proposed by the European Public Prosecutor’s Office against the decision of the judge for preliminary investigations of the Court of Latina, Giuseppe Cario, to reject the request for seizure of the company Area Spa, now Area srl ​​under judicial administration, once owned by Corrado Mussini. The latter is the one who is considered by the investigators to be the dominus of the hypothesized criminal association, author of the huge tax fraud involving several Pontinians, including the entrepreneur and politician Alessandro Zomparelli, a 47-year-old from Terracina.

A criminal association aimed at committing transnational crimes, as well as VAT evasion, through the use of a galaxy of paper mill companies, according to the investigation conducted by the European delegated prosecutors, Giordano Baggio and Alberto Pioletti. According to the accusatory hypothesis, the suspects would have been part of an association centered on the then company Area spa of Reggio Emilia, with the object of carrying out carousel frauds to evade VAT on intra-community purchases, operating in Italy. The European Public Prosecutor’s Office disputes, among other things, the issuing of non-existent invoices and other financial crimes.

From one of the branches of this maxi investigation whose conclusion reached 54 subjects, including many companies also with Pontine offices, between Latina, Terracina, San Felice Circeo, Sabaudia and Fondi, today, 25 June, after a postponement due to lack of notification, the appeal proposed by the European Public Prosecutor’s Office should have been discussed. The reason for the postponement is always the same: some notification defects against companies considered part of the criminal proceedings, as investigated.

Meanwhile, on July 9th, Zomparelli will have to face trial for the charges against him, while Mussini, again in July, will face the preliminary hearing in Latina, having requested an abbreviated trial.

The seizure amounts to approximately 38 million euros. The investigating judge of Latina declared himself incompetent and the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (whose acronym is Eppo) appealed against this decision, today represented in Latina by the deputy prosecutor Daria Monsurrò.

THE INVESTIGATION – As mentioned, among the people involved, there are several who operate in the Pontine area: one, in fact, is the entrepreneur Alessandro Zomparelli. The 47 year old, industrial expert, in the last local elections. he was a candidate on the list of the mayor of Terracina Francesco Giannetti. The elections did not go brilliantly, as the entrepreneur obtained 9 preferences, but, judging by the accusations made against him by the European prosecutors, his business area would be very vast. Furthermore, the commitment to politics seems to have been very active in the spring of 2023: in April last year, Zomparelli, as provincial manager of Rinascimento – the list of the former undersecretary of Culture, Vittorio Sgarbi – found himself with the highest exponents of the Pontine center-right in support of the then candidate for mayor of Latina, Matilde Celentano

Among the charges contested there would be that of having facilitated the Emilian company Area Spa to evade VAT, through the Centomondi srl managed by him. The latter, according to investigators, is a paper mill company involved in a carousel fraud which, by purchasing IT products from foreign companies, resold them below cost, systematically omitting the payment of VAT and issuing invoices for non-existent operations for almost 3 million euros. The crime alleged was committed in Sonnino from July to September 2018. Same schemes adopted together with other suspects (including his partner, who was also under investigation), in competition with Zomparelli, also with the company Monitore Servizi Integrati Innovativi Qualità srl with registered office in Latina. The company which has its actual headquarters in Piazza Moro would have as its effective and real dominus the aforementioned Zomparelli, an entrepreneur not known to the general public, but certainly in the sights of the European Prosecutor’s Office.

The eyes of the investigators then fell on another company also attributable to Zomparelli: this is Di.Elle srl with headquarters in Latina. The fraudulent mechanism would always be the same: purchasing IT products from abroad and reselling them below cost, omitting VAT payment and issuing false invoices to another company in the ring. Tax evasions that the European Public Prosecutor calculates in millions of euros. The Latina company Susiti srl is always attentive and always in the Zomparelli galaxy. Same mechanism and crime accused of him and the founder Domenico Massa, the Sezzo native Ilario Gatta and the Cristian Cicerani from Terracinocurrent president of the auditors of the Municipality of Terracina.

Other companies attributable to Zomparelli who ended up under 10 million euros.

According to the investigators, Zomparelli together with the Emilian Corrado Mussini and Amerigo Bertolini, were the organizers of the alleged association. Characters and companies under investigation who, according to the European Prosecutor’s Office, would have set up a millionaire turnover. An investigation started from Latina and conducted by the PEF unit of the Guardia di Finanza and then supported by the European Prosecutor’s Office for the type of crimes and the amount of money disputed. Dozens of requests for precautionary measures were made by the Prosecutor’s Office and the Financial Police, subsequently rejected by the judge for preliminary investigations of Latina, Giuseppe Cario.

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