Di Toro (ds Cerignola) to PS24: “Cuppone embodies our values. On Pescara….”

Di Toro (ds Cerignola) to PS24: “Cuppone embodies our values. On Pescara….”
Di Toro (ds Cerignola) to PS24: “Cuppone embodies our values. On Pescara….”


As a footballer, the former midfielder from Abruzzo Elio Di Toro(originally from Sant’Eusanio del Sangro), had good feet. A classic construction playmaker, he arrived at Delfino when he was 13 years old. In total, the current Cerignola ds spent ten years in white and blue (youth sector and first team). His debut in the top division with the Adriatic team came when he was 18 years old on February 28, 1993, in the match against Torino of the late Mondonico, Di Toro entered the field in place of Giacomo Ceredi, on the bench was Giovanni Galeone. Today the ds from Abruzzo has been working for five years in Puglia at Audace Cerignola of the patron Grieco. The Ofantini have long been one of the splendid realities of the Lega Pro group C. We at Pescaraport24 interviewed him, covering the negotiations for Cuppone, but also much more.

The Audace Cerignola wants Cuppone. Where are we at with the negotiation?

“We are trying to find an agreement with the player and his entourage. As far as Pescara is concerned, I’d say we’re there. Obviously all the parties involved must come to an agreement because only in this way can white smoke be achieved. We hope to get it done as soon as possible.”

What are the characteristics that you like most about the white and blue striker and why did you decide to court him?

“Cuppone is a very important player for the category, who with our coach Raffaele who had him in Potenza has always expressed himself at very high levels. I believe that this player’s desire, drive and dedication to the cause perfectly reflects both our mood and our values ​​in which we believe a lot. Furthermore, it is an element that would perfectly complete our staff, especially if there were to be any departures as will probably happen”

Moving on to Pescara: in your opinion, what didn’t work last season, how and where do we start again?

“Last year, Pescara arrived where it needed to arrive for me. Clearly the health problems that the coach had and perhaps also the construction of a mostly young staff had a significant impact on the results. When you’re dealing with budding talent, the ups and downs are pretty predictable. I think we need to start again by trying to have clear ideas on the project we want to do, then we need sharing and unity of purpose also with the fans and the environment. I think it’s very important to mend the rift that currently exists between society and organized support. After all, if you want to achieve great results, everyone must necessarily row on the same side. Sebastiani and Delli Carri are expert and shrewd footballers, so they will be able to make the best choices for the good of the club.”

The Delfino does not yet have a coach due to the fact that president Sebastiani is still carrying out negotiations for the company’s sale. In your opinion, what characteristics should a coach have to sit on the Delfino bench?

“The white and blues have always been used to having proactive coaches with an offensive mentality, therefore aimed at attacking. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t do well by choosing something else. Everything will depend on the company’s developments and the type of project that can be made. The choices, then, will only be logical consequences of what happens..”

In your opinion, will Daniele Sebastiani succeed this time in his intent to sell part or all of the club he presides over?

“I don’t know about that, but the president is always very attentive to these dynamics, so I’m sure he will be able to make the best choice in this regard.”

According to Elio Di Toro, what type of championship will be next for the D’Annunzio team?

“It’s premature to say. Everything will depend on the development or otherwise of the issues relating to the corporate transfer. Then we’ll see what to do. I certainly wish Pescara to return as soon as possible to the categories that best suit them.”


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