“Think of those who have been waiting for years for a council house” – Il Tempo

Ilaria Salis’ words on occupied houses «I think they bothered everyone a bit, especially respectable people. And above all to those who have been on the list for years for public housing and are unable to obtain it.” Orazio Campo, Extraordinary Commissioner of Ater Roma, reacts like this, interviewed by Adnkronos, to the battle of the MEP of Avs, which justifies the occupations of the houses: «We have over a billion in credits in the budget – he explains – due not only to the problem of the occupations , it is clear, but for a general situation including the problem of arrears. It goes without saying that when we talk about occupations we are not always referring to forced entry: we range from families who have lost the requirements for staying in the accommodation; to families who would not have the right; to heirs of the legitimate assignee who take possession of the apartment without authorization. A large part of the properties are in this situation. To date there are 7000 amnesty practices that still need to be processed. Seven thousand people, therefore, who theoretically would have the right to be regularized, by virtue of some past regional legislative measures”.

“What would I say to Salis and Fratoianni? To repeat exactly – Campo observes and concludes – what they said in front of people who have been on the waiting list for years, legally, and who have respected the law.”

Salis and the struggle of occupations. Cruciani blurts out: La Santa, a superca**ola
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