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The renewal council of Alessandria with two old returns

The renewal council of Alessandria with two old returns
The renewal council of Alessandria with two old returns

ALESSANDRIA – For months there had been talk of the entry into the council of Alessandria John Barosini and from Sunday theexponent of Action it’s officially the new deputy mayor of the city. Barosini passes from the role of president of the City Council to that of number two of Mayor Abonante in the place of Marica Barrera, out of the Council. Barosini will be responsible for managing the relationships with the ASL and ASO, the new Theatre, Twinning and Territorial Marketing. The new deputy mayor will also be responsible for Delegations to Trade so far by Giovanni Berronea technical figure suggested two years ago by the same Action exponent who now, with his entry into the council, has shunned outside the executive of Palazzo Rosso.

Barosini he then returns to being a councilor after the years in the centre-right city government led by Gianfranco Cuttica di Revigliasco. With the civic list “Siamo Alessandria” Barosini had supported the former mayor of the League as councilor for Public Works and Animal Welfare. divorce from the centre-right administration then arrived in February 2022. A few months before the elections, Barosini had expressed his “intolerance” towards some of the choices of the Cuttica administration and, having resigned, had set his sights on the mayoral band. The 14.6% of preferences had not been enough to access the runoff but already in the days preceding the return to the polls for the choice between Cuttica and Abonante, talks had begun about talks with the Democratic Party. Theclear opposition from the 5 Star Movement it’s at two days after the vote Abonante had categorically excluded Barosini from joining the council. Two years later the The mayor of Alessandria backtracked on those statements and the 5 Star Movement also accepted Barosini’s entry. The 72-hour “ultimatum” for the new Council was hard to digest and was invoked again on Saturday.a comparison in compliance with the vote expressed in 2022″, in the end the pentastellati have the field has also been extended to Barosini e they keep the confirmed councilor for Public Works, Michelangelo Serra, on the board.

After the reshuffle Another former Alessandria councilor, Gianni Ivaldi, also returns to the council. During theadministration led by Rita Rossa he had dealt with Civil Protection, Municipal Police, Volunteering, Animal Welfare, Participatory Innovation Processes. The numerous delegations However, they had been assigned all withdrawn in 2013 by the same mayor Rossa after Ivaldi’s decision not to vote, at the time, for the hypothesis of a Stably Rebalanced Budget. Removed from office, Ivaldi had been a candidate during the administration led by Gianfranco Cuttica di Revigliasco and then appointed president of Cissaca, the consortium of social-welfare services of Alessandria, and after Giorgio Abonante’s victory in the elections he returned to sit on the benches of the majority as group leader of “Alessandria Civica”. Now it’s in the works and will also be responsible, among other things, for parks and green areas so far under the responsibility of Claudio Falletti of the Moderates who leaves the Council but leaves Diego Malagrino in Palazzo Rossowhich as the former councilor Falleti himself announced on Facebook, will be the new President of the City Council.

With the entry of Gianni Ivaldi into the council, Marina Cornara left the council. His responsibilities for Public Education and integrated educational system 0 – 6 years are passed to one of the faces new from the Abonante council: Irene Molina of the Democratic Party, until now vice president of the City Council.
Among the four new councilors is also Roberta Cazzulo. The representative of the “Abonante” list, who has been president of the Social and Health Policies Commission for the last 2 years, will have the delegations for Equal Opportunities, Social Policies, Work and Professional Training. She will also have the delegations of the former deputy mayor Barrera to Personnel and Animal Protection.

They stay headed by the mayor of Alessandria, Giorgio Abonantethe delegations in Urban Planning, Tourism, Events, Projects, Cultural Spaces and Institutions, Prevention and Civil Protection, Consult Equal Opportunities.

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