Mercury, threats to girls: “I’ll break your legs if you talk” – Teramo

Mercury, threats to girls: “I’ll break your legs if you talk” – Teramo
Mercury, threats to girls: “I’ll break your legs if you talk” – Teramo

TERAMO. Intimidation of dancers to prevent them from speaking: it is in the no to the recognition of mitigating circumstances Pietro Mercuriowhere the concession concerns conduct subsequent to the facts, which the judge Roberto Veneziano he founded the rejection of the plea bargaining request for the unintentional homicide in front of the Silvi nightclub.
The case is that of Mark Montia 51-year-old entrepreneur from Città Sant’Angelo who in 2022 was hit by a car on state road 16 in Silvi in ​​front of the Zeus nightclub. According to the prosecution, that night the victim was pushed into the street by Pietro Mercurio, a 66-year-old originally from Naples who was the nightclub manager at the time of the events, at the end of a violent fight that broke out over a contested woman. Mercurio, after rejecting the plea bargain, is going to trial before the Court of Assizes for unintentional homicide, exploitation of prostitution and threats.
Threats, those to the dancers, that the judge highlighted during the recent preliminary hearing citing the telephone interception in which the manager allegedly said to break the legs of the girls who did not confirm his version. And not only that. Because in justifying the rejection of the plea bargaining request, the judge also underlined the threats made by Mercurio to the dancer who was outside the club at the time of the events, intimidating her by saying that he would go to Puglia to her family’s house to tell her parents what she was doing in the club. All this, evidently, in a climate of silence that has characterized an investigation from the beginning that has immediately proved very difficult precisely because of what investigators and prosecutors have not hesitated to define on several occasions as “a network of complicity”.
And it is precisely in this context that we must remember the condemnation with the abbreviated rite of a collaborator of Mercury. It is about Jan Janosikaccused of aiding and abetting and sentenced to one year and four months. According to the Prosecutor’s Office, as stated in the indictment, “he helped Mercurio himself to mislead the investigation by irreparably destroying the hard disk that contained the video footage of the incident taken by the nightclub’s video surveillance system.” In the meantime, Mercurio, who will appear before the Assize Court in September, has had his house arrest revoked.

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