Matese National Park: the new president urges the mayors of the area

Matese National Park: the new president urges the mayors of the area
Matese National Park: the new president urges the mayors of the area
Fifty-four municipalities. An area as vast as a large province that extends from Venafro, passing through Isernia, Bojano, Piedimonte Matese, Morcone, to reach the province of Caserta.

31 municipalities in Campania 23 in Molise. It is the Matese National Park that is about to experience the decisive moment.

In fact, in a few days, the deadline for sending comments regarding the procedure for the establishment of the nature reserve will expire. In particular on the provisional delimitation, as established by the Ministry of the Environment in a note sent to the Campania Region, which from this point of view is in serious and culpable delay.

The Molise Region and the Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research were also informed of the issue.

In these hours, the newly elected president of the Matese Regional Park Agostino Navarra is meeting the mayors of the area to talk about the bureaucratic requirements to be respected for the establishment of the National Park.

Municipalities belonging to the border areas between Campania and Molise will have to decide on the perimeter and temporary zoning of the Matese National Park.

“My invitation to the mayors of the area – Navarra said – is to work within the required time to provide feedback in order to turn the matter around. Working in synergy, we could achieve a great result, even greater if we manage to fully grasp all the aspects that concern a protected area of ​​the size of the Matese National Park”.

Not only the largest protected area in central and southern Italy, but also European and national funds and the prospect of giving a future to thousands of young people living in towns where the closest and most tangible prospect is only one: depopulation and abandonment.

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