In Teramo, the free outpatient clinic for those who cannot pay

In Teramo, the free outpatient clinic for those who cannot pay
In Teramo, the free outpatient clinic for those who cannot pay

The name of the structure is “Kum”, which in the Aramaic language means “Get up”, to recall Jesus’ encouragement to the healed young woman, and it is an association that in Teramo, through a solidarity medicine clinic run by retired professionals, offers visits to the poorest.

In the studio, which was officially inaugurated a few weeks ago over 30 doctors from eighteen different specialties work for free, including cardiology, pulmonology, neurology, rheumatology, dermatology, diabetology, orthopedics, urology, gynecology, psychiatry and psychology.

At the presentation of the initiative the mayor of Teramo Gianguido D’Albertoreconfirmed last year for a second term, said: “In our small way Let’s make the constitutional provision that free healthcare for the indigent a reality. And precisely the free nature and the availability of the professionals who will be involved, moreover on a fully voluntary basis, ensure solidarity for those who cannot seek treatment”.

People often give up on going to specialist doctors due to financial problems. According to the latest Report on Fair and Sustainable Well-being by Istat, 4.5% of the population in Italy in 2023 gave up due to long waiting lists and 4.2% did so for economic reasons.

The initial idea came from a heart surgeon at the Teramo hospital and now coordinator of Kum doctors. “We asked ourselves, together with other colleagues,” he says, “if after retiring we could do something to be useful to civil society.”

The group of doctors formed the association which then, with the support of the Municipality, affiliated with Auser, the organization that promotes active aging.

Other professionals interested in offering their help free of charge, from IT assistance to administrative procedures, are also participating in the initiative.

An initiative that shows us, once again, that choosing to make a gesture of solidarity helps to change first of all ourselves, then the reality that surrounds us and also – we really hope it can succeed – the whole world!

Tiziano Conti

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