He can leave Milan in a year’s time: fixed price

He can leave Milan in a year’s time: fixed price
He can leave Milan in a year’s time: fixed price

The player who recently arrived at Milan could already pack his bags: the price is set. It could be the most successful club in the world that snatches him from the Devil

Yesterday the official press release arrived, which swept away all doubts. An official press release which certifies that the Milan he is working for the present and the future, managing to secure a footballer that everyone really likes. Geoffrey Moncada, Giorgio Furlani e Zlatan Ibrahimovic they decided to focus on the defender, who signed a contract until June 30, 2028with option for the 2029. The signing will lead him to initially play for the Milan Future, ma Paulo Fonseca will be able to ‘blow it’ to Daniele Boblack when he deems it most appropriate.

Milan, the defender is ready to take flight (Ansa) – MilanLive.it

l‘Under 23 and the first team, who will meet again at Milanello to share the fields of Carnago, starting from 8th July, they will work in synergy, allowing the young people who made the difference during the last adventure with the Primavera of Ignazio Abate to show off in Serie C and then perhaps land in the top league. Attention will clearly be focused on Francesco Camarda. It’s the young man Class of 2008 the jewel in the crown of the young Devil. Confronting experienced defenders of the Lega Pro It will be a great test to understand if he is really ready for the top league. It is evident, however, as underlined by Zlatan Ibrahimovic, who physically does not yet appear suitable for the A league.

Milan, Jimenez observed from Real Madrid: so he can return to Spain

It will therefore take some time to Francesco Camarda, but there are many of his companions who are ready to take flight as Kevin Zeroli, but also the same Jan-Carlo Simic, who have already met the first team. Another element, who perhaps more than many others, is destined to play a lot with Paul Fonseca, And Jimenez.

The player will split his time between the first team and Milan Futuro (Ansa) – MilanLive.it

The Spanish full-back, as is known, has been officially redeemed by Milan. With the Devil he signed a contract until June 30, 2028, with option for the 2029. In the coffers of Real Madrid, instead, a figure around five millions of Euro. A significant figure for an element that has certainly not played regularly in the first team. Jimenez in red and black is an important coup: after all, the Devil he managed to snatch the player from the Real Madrid, but in Spain they continue to think that the full-back, capable of playing both on the left and right, can really explode. The Blancos will therefore continue to observe him and if they want to bring him back to base they will have to shell out between the 9 and 12 million euros.

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