Sanluri | “Sanluri Legge”: the fifth stage yesterday, the 2024 edition ends today | Middle Campidano

Sanluri Press release released in full

Yesterday was the fifth stage of the 2024 edition of Sanluri Legge
Love according to Candida Morvillo
Atzeni seeks lightness and enjoys surprising his audience
The Illuminated Factory tells the story through the stories of the protagonists
Today last evening entirely dedicated to Sardinia
La Spisa opens at the Castello, then Oppus and Fadda, Vinci closes

Love, in all its facets, between the rational and the irrational, is the protagonist of the fifth evening of Sanluri Law 2024. Thanks to an exceptional writer and journalist like Candida Morvillo, who offers a very intense evening finale at the Castle, to Marcello Atzeni and La Fabbrica Illuminata, the second Saturday of the event is also a beautiful journey into literature and emotions.

Three events, a silent and attentive audience, a literary aperitif. In the usual location of the Medieval Castle, also open on this occasion until the end of the presentations, a biting Mistral wind accompanies the second evening of this weekend, during which those present were able to taste good wine, accompanied by the extraordinary and unusual culinary proposals Of Coxinendi.

Sanluri Legge’s Saturday opened with a writer who is ‘at home’ in the Middle Campidano area. On the stage of the Castle Marcellus Atzenito present, in a dialogue with Lorella Costa, his “I wanted to write” (Sandhi Edizioni), a text born “almost by chance, following a provocation that arrived on social media a few years ago. One lady wrote in a comment that ‘it wouldn’t be bad to write a book’. As I answered, I stopped and started writing it”. A volume that wants to provoke, to smile, but also to reflect, even if “It’s not as easy as you might think to go from journalism to writing – says the author -, and in fact I got there late, I wrote the first book 6 years ago”. After the advent of social media: “Facebook has given everyone a say, there are those who write well, and those who write a bit like this. But the most worrying thing is that too often respect is absent. The great frustration of contemporary society finds vent on social media, insulting each other”. Atzeni, on the other hand, has fun in the volume, with rhymes, alliteration, puns: “I took inspiration from my mother, who is good with slogans. Sergio Naitza told me that I have created a futurist book, but I am certainly not the first to create a project of this type. I liked the idea of ​​’giving’ blank pages to the reader. He can complete it as he wants, and maybe then involve me to talk about it together”. After all, life is lightness: “I constantly look for it, and I also find it thanks to the campaign”. To then shock his audience: “When I thought of this approach I didn’t know how it would react, but today I feel like saying that I would do it like this again, without changing anything”.

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Following will be space for the show The illuminated FactoryEleonora and Adelasia, judges of Sardinia‘, of and with Elena Pauaccompanied by the music of Roberto Deidda. A literary reading that takes you back to the Sardinian Middle Ages, to the Judicial period, to delve into the past of our history, but also the stories, those of real people, who found themselves, even very young, deciding the fate of their people. And so, here is a harmonious story of Adelasia’s life, who, speaking in the first person through the mouth of Elena Pau, from the ancient castle of Burgos whispers that she is aware that “my judgment will not be saved from collapse, my dreams are tormented, but I have courage”. A necessary skill given her role: “I was only 12 years old when I got married, in Saccargia; we had not yet understood our task, but this was decided and this was done, to restore peace”, to unite the Giudicati of Gallura and Torres. Then a second marriage, also arranged, and a difficult existence.”but before I died I guaranteed equal rights between men and women”. Then the second part, dedicated to Benedetta, judge of Cagliari, who in the 13th century “was reflected in the lagoon” and at 16 she married Barisone, transmitting inherited sovereign rights to him: “He was kind-hearted, not a man of war, and secretly he was enchanted in front of me, he liked that I was the judikissa”. And in fact to her “he liked being in charge of that territory. My collaborators were trustworthy and attentive”. But then the Pisans arrived: “In the first decades of the 13th century, the Viscontis frequented Santa Igia as if it were their home”. And she fell in love: “With Lamberto I was happy. He asked me to make donations to the Cathedral of Pisa, with flattery that then turned into threatening tones, between sweet words and hands that made me intoxicated”. And so “I swore loyalty to Pisa, forced to recognize us as vassals. They took possession of the port and then I gave them the hill, with its appurtenances, on which they then built a very well-equipped castle ‘for me’, in occupation not only of the Kingdom of Cagliari but of all of Sardinia”.

For the grand finale of San Lurese literary Saturday, here it is Candida Morvillointerviewed by Michele Pipia about his “You are a genius of love and you don’t know it” (Harper Collins Italy). Now a point of reference in the media regarding the pages dedicated to the mail of the heart, he has gotten to know many VIPs closely: “I have interviewed actors, political directors, really anyone in a 30-year career, we ended up talking about love because I wanted to understand something about it”. On the other hand “tWe all always have the answers to the questions that love asks us, we just need to be able to clear away the stereotypes and fears we have”. Even because “we need to give value back to love. We live in a time where it seems like there’s no point. Today you get divorced in six months, you meet on apps or on dedicated social networks, you break up almost without saying it; Once upon a time, anyone who broke up with you on the phone was rude, today you break up on WhatsApp or directly by blocking yourself on social media. There is a lot of mistrust in love, and there is the overvaluation of sex”. And instead it is necessary to feel good, as well as an input to constantly improve ourselves: “When we love we want to be at our best, we want to overcome our defects, because we want to be liked”. And then we need to make a contribution: “I also bring testimonies of toxic love, but above all I try to explain what healthy love looks like, we need to learn to recognize it and cultivate it”. And to avoid dangerous mechanisms: “I dedicate a long chapter to the art of arguing. We argue even when we love, but we need to avoid resentment”. But are there sincere loves in the political sphere? “Patrizia Caselli’s story for Bettino Craxi was profound and true: her story tells you what a woman’s love can do. But there could also have been sincere love between Meloni and Giambruno. He came to present my book, which came out on Valentine’s Day; it was brave and I would be happy if they were to get back together”.

Today is the last day of the 2024 edition of Sanluri Legge. It will be an evening entirely dedicated to Sardinia, with three other presentations, all with island guests. Will open Giorgio La Spisa with his ‘The unexpected happens‘ (Arkadia), assisted by Andrea Fulgheri, to tell a story that combines joy, pain and hope. Followed by a tribute to the hero of Cagliari’s Scudetto: ‘Gigi Riva. The champion, the friend, the legend‘ (Carlo Delfino) is the volume written by Umberto Oppus And Mario Fadda, who talk in Sanluri with Fabrizio Serra. To reiterate the symbolism of the date engraved in Sardinian history, they tell it in the book through 70 testimonies capable of retracing the history of the myth. Closing this edition of Sanluri Legge will be Jean Claudio Vinci with “Comics compared. From American comics to the French nere dessinée”. In a dialogue with Andrea Fulgheri the artist brings the public into the world of comics.

The event is promoted by Municipality of Sanluriwith the support of Foundation of Sardinia and of Autonomous Region of SardiniaPi Bb Department. Cc.; also for this eighth edition the organizational coordination is entrusted toAssociation of local authorities for cultural and entertainment activities.

Press release by: communications office of the Association of Local Authorities for cultural and entertainment activities

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