Milan revolution, how many departures in sight: the situation surprises Fonseca

Milan revolution, how many departures in sight: the situation surprises Fonseca
Milan revolution, how many departures in sight: the situation surprises Fonseca

Revolution in sight at Milanello, not just signings: Paulo Fonseca’s squad will undergo profound changes in the summer.

The Rossoneri management will have a difficult task in the summer. The CEO Giorgio Furlani declared that the incoming market will be very different from that of the past summer transfer session. In fact, the Devil it is on the slopes of players with precise characteristics who will complete the squad. Contacts with Zirkzee’s agent continue, which has not yet dropped with the request of 15 million in commissions. We are looking for a midfielder to position in front of the defense and the name of has been circulating in recent days Hojbjergin addition to the usual ones Fofana And Wieffer. Not just entry, the Rossoneri have several issues to resolve regarding players outside the project.

Milan, what a revolution: departures in sight

It’s not an easy situation for Milan: the squad to be delivered to Fonseca is not yet ready. However, time is not a friend and next week will be the official start of the transfer market. So the Rossoneri management will have to invent something to get rid of the training redundancies. For some they will try to raise cash. The first of all is Saelemaekers. Bologna will not pay the 10 million redemption clause but there are many teams on the outside A league. Then there is the situation to resolve Daniel Maldinireturned to Milan after the Monza period and about which Atalanta, Lazio and Roma have asked for information.

Bologna will not redeem Saelemaerkers: abroad is not part of Milan’s plans (LaPresse) –

Also from Romerotaken at zero, e Pilgrim, that River Plate likes at home, the management will try to make capital gains to reinvest. Then there is the usual discussion to do Columbus. The striker is not part of the management’s plans but, unless an indispensable offer is made, he will go out on loan once again. The same fate, in all likelihood, will befall Marco Nasti.

Furlani e Moncada they will have to understand how to solve the problems Origi And Ballo-Toure. The two did not shine during their loans in Premier League and it won’t be easy to find a home for him. Above all, the former Liverpool player receives a salary of 4 million net and Milan will try to get rid of him. The squad is full of players who are still uncertain about their future and the club is making the necessary considerations: from Pobega to Simicpassing through Adli.

It is emphasized that the various Theo, Leao and Maignan are not on the market, unless pharaonic offers. Waiting for July 1st the Rossoneri, the sign with written For sale it was well posted outside the Milan home. It will be a real revolution.

This post was last modified on 23 June 2024 – 09:01

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