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Half a century of history. Reunion de La Pieve

Half a century of history. Reunion de La Pieve
Half a century of history. Reunion de La Pieve

Fifty years old, but he doesn’t look it. The La Pieve di Pievesestina sports club celebrates half a century of existence this year and wanted to celebrate the anniversary properly by calling

gathered all those who have worn the jersey. La Pieve was born in the distant 1974 on the initiative of

some volunteers who were part of the neighborhood parish. He brought together the local youth, and right next to the church the field was created that still stands proudly, green and well-kept, including the changing rooms for the teams and referees. La Pieve is one of the oldest clubs to have participated continuously in the amateur championship organized by the Centro Sportivo Italiano, Cesena committee, and even won an edition in 1975 with the final played at the Manuzzi. Friday was truly a great reunion with the president Gianluca Alessandri very happy with how things went. “We tried to contact as many players as possible, many have passed by, almost a thousand and it was not easy. But many have shown up and recognized themselves in the photo cards hanging on a noticeboard outside the parish club together with the many photos of the various teams that have followed one another over the years. It was a great satisfaction to see former boys now grayed by the passing of time recognize themselves despite the decades that have passed. Maybe a few extra pounds, but very happy to find themselves remembering the good times spent chasing a ball”. Among others, Sidio Corradi, a former player for Cesena, Bologna and Genoa, also played for Pieve for a few years. Also present was the president of Csi Renato Quadrelli (at the head of almost 10 thousand members, 140 affiliated sports clubs, for over 30 sports disciplines practiced) who took the floor to retrace the past years and thank Pieve for what it does for young people and the values ​​on which Csi focuses. Then it was the turn of some veterans who remembered the good old days and also of some young people who are renewing the glories that are the tradition of the Pieve. Some are no longer with us, almost all have a few wrinkles and extra pounds, there are those who now watch their grandchildren play with that jersey worn 50 years ago, but joy was the master and not only for the notes blasted by the DJ. “In the end everyone was happy to have met the old companions of so many battles on the football fields – Alessandri concludes – indeed, they made an appointment to celebrate the century of life of the Pieve”.

Daniel Zandoli

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