contemporary horizons’ on display in Taranto – la Ringhiera

contemporary horizons’ on display in Taranto – la Ringhiera
contemporary horizons’ on display in Taranto – la Ringhiera

The collective visual arts exhibition “Verso Est: Orizzonti Contemporanei” organized by PostPastGallery, in collaboration with Dhoma e Biznesit te Diaspores Shqiptare of Tirana and with the patronage of the Municipality of Taranto, will be presented on Thursday 4 July at 6:30 pm in the Galleria Comunale del Castello Aragonese in Taranto.

Artists from Albania and Kosovo exhibit.
The exhibition, open to the public from Thursday 4 to Friday 5 July, ‘is presented as a visual journey through a series of works ranging from painting to sculpture to promote art in all its aspects and to make visible the vitality that characterizes Eastern artists – we read in the press release – each of which represents a personal and unique reflection on the theme of the contemporary horizon, the object of different cultural expressions and interpretations. An extraordinary journey to discover the artistic world of Eastern Europe, an invitation to reflect on the power of art capable of subverting clichés, habits, conventions, transforming those who welcome and observe it’.

Opening Hours: July 4th 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm; July 5th 9:00 am – 8:30 pm in the Galleria Castello Aragonese. Free admission.

Participating Artists
Elda Katiaj Dano
Refki Gollopeni
Fehmi Hoxha
Aferdita Murtaj
Albulen Neziri

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