Aspes, Pieri back in the saddle: “Pharmacies and Palaces: what will I do”

Aspes, Pieri back in the saddle: “Pharmacies and Palaces: what will I do”
Aspes, Pieri back in the saddle: “Pharmacies and Palaces: what will I do”

Luca Pieri has been re-appointed president of Aspes. A holding company: 43 million in turnover, 140 employees, management of two sports halls, the Arena and Scavolini, 29 cemeteries, 16 pharmacies, some also in Romagna, 18 member municipalities including Riccione and Coriano for forced collection (those who do not pay, ed.) and also 55 percent of Pesaro Parcheggi.

Is the holiday over?

“I’ve never actually been on vacation. I wasn’t operational but, let’s say, I was still present. Because then you receive the phone calls…”.

You were elected in the administrative elections and could have also been an assessor. Did you choose Aspes because you earn more?

“But no, much, much less than an assessor.”

Why then did he resign? Did he say ‘I obey’?

“Also for a question of transparency towards the voters. I could have not resigned but it didn’t seem right to me. The party asked me to lend a hand and I ran.”

Let’s put our boots on the ground: first act of the new president Pieri?

“An awareness campaign through municipal pharmacies against the heat, for which we will make products available to people specifically aimed at fighting the heat at discounted prices”.

Step back a week: the maxi basketball tournament. Many wondered why not use the Scavolini auditorium for the games.

“The answer is simple: inside they are working on the two operas that have been scheduled for the Rossini Opera Festival. That’s the reason.”

So the issue that there was no parquet because there was no money is not true?

“Absolutely a lie, because that wasn’t the problem. If the tournament had been organized a month ago and therefore before the start with the Rof, it could have easily been played there”.

Will it be possible to use the old sports hall?

“For ‘spot’ events (i.e. occasional, sporadic, ed.) yes, but for championships no, because it would mean using the sports hall every weekend and this is not possible”.


“Because that place was designed for conferences, concerts and conventions and therefore, above all, as an economic engine for the city. With a team that plays in a championship, it would not be possible to plan. Just remember what happened with Vuelle when it was thought that it would not go to the playoffs, as it then happened. A big mess”.

Tell us about an anomaly: you are the only case of a company from the Marche region that goes to manage services in Romagna. Why?

“We have reversed the trend.”


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