“Serious critical issues, state of agitation declared”

“Serious critical issues, state of agitation declared”
“Serious critical issues, state of agitation declared”

L’AQUILA – “Despite being aware of the positive and commendable initiatives undertaken by the Medical Corps, this OS could not fail to intervene in turn to protect the operators of the Psychiatry Unit of the PO
of L’Aquila, but also of the patients of that department and also of all the other patients of the PO
dell’Aquila, given that psychiatric pathologies, which cannot be adequately controlled, can
have repercussions on patients in other departments and lead to dangerous episodes”. This is what the Provincial Secretary of Nursind L’Aquila wrote, Samantha Boccia.

“The problem of the excess number of psychiatric patients is now a long-standing and unresolved one.
hospitalised in the hospital ward in relation to the number of beds it is equipped with: from this
on the one hand, this leads to an unjust and sometimes unsustainable overload of work for the staff,
which is already insufficient compared to the standard of care that ordinarily weighs on the department;
on the other hand, it exposes the staff itself, but also the other patients, to the harmful consequences of
which not infrequent news stories linked to mental illness inform us about.
This OS asks the Management to become aware of the gravity of this situation and, even
hoping for agreed and adequate solutions, does not hide the determination to start every
necessary form of struggle to protect workers, but also patients of that and other UOs
To this end, we announce that in the event of a lack of response and even more so in the event of a failure to adopt the
necessary measures, a conflictual path will be activated by means of the proclamation of the state of
agitation and, if necessary, strike.”


Abruzzo asl laquila laquila psychiatry San Salvatore

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