Market, Noslin-Lazio: it’s the day of yes. There’s white smoke

Market, Noslin-Lazio: it’s the day of yes. There’s white smoke
Market, Noslin-Lazio: it’s the day of yes. There’s white smoke

After hours of reflection, the operation with Verona for the striker wanted by Baroni has been defined. Figures and duration of the contract

It is a well-known story that the market is a roller coaster, and that of Lazio it is even more so it is almost a tradition. In the end the day of reflection taken at home biancoceleste has served and now Tijjani Noslin is ready to land in the Capital. In fact, until two days ago Lazio was not so sure of closing by the weekend, but yesterday everything changed, favoring the request for acceleration by June 30th requested by Hellas for at least one signing.

Fabiani for his part stalled for as long as possible to understand how much margin there was to lower the rather onerous demands made by Setti. The strong competition, both abroad and in Italy, has led the Biancocelesti to speed up to avoid sensational mockery. Lotito arrived to put it on the plate one last offer of a loan with obligation to redeem at 15 millionraising the percentage for future resale at 20%. The class of ’99 will instead sign a contract until 2029 at around 2 million of euros (including bonuses) of salary per season.


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