«The Municipality should improve its infrastructure» – Il Caffe

«The Municipality should improve its infrastructure» – Il Caffe
«The Municipality should improve its infrastructure» – Il Caffe

Basketball is back in Piazza del Popolo, in Latina, for the 1st City of Latina Trophy. In front of the large portico of the Intendenza di Finanza, in a very large area, almost to the center of the square, for 20 days, the heart of Latina beats to the rhythm of the orange ball.

The Torno was born from the ashes of the Tosarello: at the edge of the field there will be a large screen that will film the matches and the public live, thanks to a direction that controls several cameras placed around the field. There is a grandstand with 250 seats positioned on one side of the field.

Yesterday, the Minister of Sport Andrea Abodi also came to the inauguration day: «We want to collaborate with the Lazio Region so that this Municipality improves its infrastructure thanks to the Celentano administration’s agenda. You will see it in the facts: there is a desire to put our children in the best conditions, starting from schools».

“I like to imagine that these teams are made up of many boys and girls. I want to demonstrate our interest in seeing our children smile and making them feel good, making them live an adequate life through sport, and this occasion in the square leads precisely in this direction. But our goal is to do it not only in an important event like this – the minister reiterated – but also on normal days”.

Read also: Latina sports hall unusable. A2 basketball at risk

The Region and the Municipality

“As a representative of the Region, I am particularly happy to support events like this, designed to convey the values ​​of sport – the testimony of the Councilor for Sport of Lazio, Elena Palazzo -. We are trying to bring attention to the territories and therefore to the provinces. It is no coincidence that in September we will host the Under 21 of the Italian national soccer team here in Latina”.

“I am very proud of what is happening tonight,” echoed the president of the Senate Budget Committee, Nicola Calandrini. “Piazza del Popolo is once again the beating heart of the city thanks to basketball, which in Latina has united entire generations through the culture of respect and healthy competition.”

“In Latina we are bringing back to life a tradition that has lasted 29 years, deeply felt by the community, which I would dare to define as intergenerational. For years the city has gathered to watch these competitions – the words of the mayor Matilde Celentano -. This trophy was highly anticipated, a way to revive the center and give Latina back its sporting identity”.

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