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Serie B – Marco Contento signs with Gemini Mestre

Serie B – Marco Contento signs with Gemini Mestre
Serie B – Marco Contento signs with Gemini Mestre

Gemini Mestre is pleased to welcome you Happy Marco, an experienced playguard born in ’91 who last year wore the Ruvo di Puglia shirt together with another fresh arrival at Gemini, Lorenzo Galmarini. 185 centimeters tall, Contento ended last regular season with an average of 12 points per game resulting from percentages of 46% from 2, 34% from 3 and 79% from free throws combined with almost 3 assists per game.

Contento’s career was long and, born in Trieste and raised in the Udine youth academy, he then played in various Italian clubs between A2 and Serie B with a career that developed in Casalpusterlengo, Bisceglie, Nord Barese, and Cento; in 2016/17 Agropoli was called to Serie A2, a category which then continued in Roseto and Scafati before arriving in Rieti, finally the last seasons in Puglia in San Severo and then Ruvo di Puglia.

These are his first statements: “I am enthusiastic about the possibility of being part of a team with important objectives again this year. The club is building an excellent team with the right mix of experience and talent. I think it will be important to face the season with the right amount of enthusiasm and at the same time with great humility to achieve the set objectives

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