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Carpegna Prosciutto confirmation is near

Carpegna Prosciutto confirmation is near
Carpegna Prosciutto confirmation is near

The topic of the next few days is money. Because for the rest we are waiting. The most optimistic inside the company are waiting for today the possible signature of the playmaker Matteo Imbrò who is leaving Trapani. Pino Sacripanti is also about to close the box of the first American, that is, the guard-playmaker Khalil who is leaving Ostenda. The technical comment on the USA: “He is someone who when you see him go on the field does not strike you immediately, but then you see that he is instead very strong and also has points in his hands and was one of the protagonists of the championship won by Ostenda”.

Another technical step is to find the long fourth because Vildera has now understood that he is preferring the beaches of Puglia, or rather of the Brindisi area. Willing to sell out Pesaro (150,000 euros per season) to play higher with Brindisi to get the services of Vildera? A question that currently has no answer also because it will be necessary to understand and see what alternatives Pino Sacripanti has in his hands. While waiting for the positions of some players to be clarified with the relevant signatures on the contracts, in the next few days a matter of no small importance should be concluded, namely the relationship with the Beretta family which is the owner of Carpegna Prosciutto and that is the main sponsor of the society. A family that a couple of years ago managed to extract over a million euros between connections that would otherwise be the prizes that had been established for participation in the Italian Cup finals.

The little-publicized relationship seems to have been going on for days between Vuelle managers and the Lombard family. And a positive feeling emerges regarding the possible continuation of the sponsor Carpegna Prosciutto. However, certainty will be available in the early days of next week when the Berettas will officially make it known what their intentions are. Nobody has the feeling in society that there could be possible twists and turns and that therefore we should go ahead with this brand on the shirts. Even if someone adds “forget that it is the same money as in past seasons and therefore figures around one million euros”.

However, money that comes in even if the company already has its own budget so much so that a budget has been made available, sponsor or not, for the construction of the team in the hands of Sacripanti. However, the gas tank is further filled in the event that market opportunities arise, especially for the US market, for which the company could find itself facing a further financial effort.


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