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Bad weather wreaks havoc in Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta. VIDEO AND PHOTOS

Bad weather wreaks havoc in Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta. VIDEO AND PHOTOS
Bad weather wreaks havoc in Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta. VIDEO AND PHOTOS

Bad weather wreaks havoc in Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta. In Canavese, hailstones measuring 8 centimeters in diameter. Cirio: ready to request a state of emergency.

Bad weather causes disasters in Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta.

In Canavese the sky literally bombarded houses and cars with hailstones up to 8 centimeters in diameter, breaking rear windows, roof tiles and more. A family of tourists was saved in extremis, with their car stuck on an islet in the flooded Orco torrent. In Locana 37 people were stuck in a restaurant. In Busano a house was literally gutted by a tornado.

This is just to mention some of the many damages that Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta are counting in these hours following the very violent disturbance of last night, with significant damage also in upper Valsesia.

Dramatic hailstorm in the Canavese area

The most serious damage was recorded on the Gran Paradiso front, in the Canavese area, in the Orco and Lanzo valleys and in the Macugnaga area. In numerous towns in the Turin area the hail was a real scourge. The photos below, taken from social media, demonstrate the situation well.

Streams and rivers in flood

Huge amounts of rainwater in a short time, resulting in the swelling of rivers and streams. In the video below, the Dora Baltea in Ivrea.

As mentioned, there have also been some cases of people left isolated on a bank or on an islet of some stream.

Devastation in Macugnaga

Among the most affected centers is also Macugnaga, a town of great tourist attraction under Monte Rosa. Flooded streams and rivers of water have created an apocalyptic landscape.

This is a video shot at night

A state of emergency is requested

«Since yesterday evening we have been monitoring the disturbance that hit some areas of our Piedmont – comments the President of the Region, Alberto Cirio -. I am personally in contact with the mayors of the affected areas. The regional room is operational and our technicians are at work and are reaching the affected areas for an initial assessment of the damage and to identify, together with the Municipalities, the first urgent restoration interventions. This morning I spoke to the head of the national civil protection department, Fabrizio Curcio, on the phone to request a state of emergency.”

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