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“tribute to my mother Graziella, I love you mom”

Manfredonia. “Today, on the anniversary of Santamaria delle Grazie, I want to dedicate a special thought to my mother, Graziella, an extraordinary woman who left an indelible mark on our community. On this day of celebration, her memory is more alive than ever, and I want to share with you the story of a woman who, together with other unknown heroines, fought for the good of all of us“.

Marinella Talamo told

The woman’s story

“On the day of her funeral, the award ‘Women in History, Unsung Heroines’ was dedicated to my mother.. An award that could not have been more appropriate for a woman who dedicated her life to a cause as noble as it was arduous. My mother, together with other courageous women, presided over the ex Enichem area, a petrochemical site that represented a concrete threat to the health of the population of Manfredonia.

It was a titanic task: convincing the authorities, sensitizing the population, fighting against enormous and deep-rooted economic interests.. But they believed in it, and with unwavering determination, they worked tirelessly to free our territory from such an insidious danger. The former Enichem area, located in a mountainous area, was a sword of Damocles over our community. The presence of the petrochemical plant represented not only an environmental risk, but also a threat to public health. Harmful emissions, toxic waste, soil and water pollution were problems that required urgent and decisive intervention.

Graziella and the other women faced this challenge with incredible strength and passion.. They organized meetings, demonstrations, wrote letters, made their voices heard in every possible venue. And, in the end, their commitment paid off: the area was reclaimed and the petrochemical plant was closed.

It was not an easy journey. The difficulties were countless and often seemed insurmountable. But my mother and her companions never gave up. Their determination inspired many others to join their cause, creating a movement that proved that unity is strength. It is thanks to them that today we can breathe cleaner air and live in a healthier environment.

Today, my thoughts go to my mother and all the women who fought alongside her. Our sincere thanks go to all of them, for believing in a better future and for working so hard to make it happen. Their story is an example of how commitment, dedication and courage can make a difference.

The feast of Santamaria delle Grazie, which celebrates the figure of the mother of Jesus and the concept of grace, could not be more appropriate to remember a woman like my mother. Graziella embodied grace not only in her name, but also in her gestures, words and actions. Her fight for a better world was an act of grace, an invaluable gift to our community.

In a world often dominated by news of conflict, corruption and injustice, stories like my mother’s remind us that there are still heroes among us, ordinary people who do extraordinary things. It is important to tell these stories, not only to honor their memory, but also to inspire new generations to continue fighting for what is right. Today, as we celebrate the feast of Santa Maria delle Grazie, I feel deeply grateful for my mother’s legacy. Her example taught me that each of us has the power to change things, that with courage and determination we can face even the most difficult challenges. Her spirit lives on in me and in all those who had the privilege of knowing her and being touched by her extraordinary energy. Graziella and her companions showed that the real heroines are not those in history books or movies, but ordinary women who, with their daily commitment, change the world one step at a time. Today, we remember and celebrate their extraordinary feat, with the hope that their example will continue to illuminate our path.

Graziella’s daughter, Marinella Talamo

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