Differentiated autonomy, the front of regions asking for a referendum is widening

Differentiated autonomy, the front of regions asking for a referendum is widening
Differentiated autonomy, the front of regions asking for a referendum is widening

Naples, 2 July 2024 – Even the Campania raise your voice against differentiated autonomy: on July 8th an extraordinary meeting of the Regional Council will be held dedicated specifically to the request for organization of an abrogative referendum in this regard, the only item on the agenda. Supporting the hypothesis are the Democratic Party, Action, Italia Viva and other majority groups.

I am therefore already five the joints ready to declare war on the law that provides for the transfer of numerous powers from the State to the regions: also present in the ‘coordination’ Sardinia, Tuscany, Puglia and Emilia Romagna. In particular, the latter is in a hurry, given the imminent resignation of governor Stefano Bonaccini, elected to the European Parliament. But the president of Sardinia should play a leading role, Alessandra Todde. In fact, she is the only exponent of the centre-left (or rather, of the Campo largo, being an expression of the M5s) to govern a region with special statusand the ‘allied’ juntas see it as the most suitable to appeal to the Constitutional Court on matters of autonomy.

The governors of the regions who are asking for an abrogative referendum on differentiated autonomy

And apparently, the battle may not be exclusive to the regions led by the centre-left. The ‘coordination’ is said to be entertaining contacts also with Calabria and Basilicataled by councils of center-right who have expressed doubts about the law.

The regions would like to close the game by mid-Julywith a formal request to the Consulta. A not impossible objective, also considering the contemporary commitment of the Referendum Committeewhich includes forces from the Democratic Party, the 5 Star Movement, the Green and Left Alliance, +Europa and associations such as Cgil, Acli and Libera.

“A majority in disarray that does and says everything and the opposite of everything – the comment of Martha Evangelistsgroup leader of Brothers of Italy to the Regional Assembly of theEmilia Romagna – Up to the issue of autonomy, on which, in a way that is exactly the opposite of what happened in 2018, a referendum is being called”. And he adds: “On such a central issue for the nation as autonomy, it would be good exercise a minimum of coherenceso as not to slip into ridiculous”.

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