Two to go at UlisseFest, today preview with Peppe Servillo

Two to go at UlisseFest, today preview with Peppe Servillo
Two to go at UlisseFest, today preview with Peppe Servillo

ANCONA – UlisseFest off and running. The great event organised by the Lonely Planet which this year will take place in Ancona from 4 to 7 July. Over 100 guests are expected for 50 very varied events that will have as their central theme the story of the world. Among the main guests: Vasco Brondi, Malika Ayane, Skin from Skunk Anansie, Gianluca Gotto, Umberto Galimberti, Edoardo Buffoni, Giovanni Caccamo & Valeria Solarino, Giobbe Covatta & Paola Catella, Pietro Del Soldà with Valerio Corzani & Erica Scherl, Omar Di Felice, Tom Hall, Alex Kerr, Doris Zaccone, Marzio G. Mian, Simone Pieranni, Federico Rampini, Peppe Servillo and Dario Vergassola.

Going into even more detail, the fundamental theme of this seventh edition will be ‘Exploring the Unknown’. Because, according to the organizers, “this is what happens when we set out on a journey. Dante’s Ulysses knows it when he chooses to postpone his return home to have new experiences and anyone who has gone away knows it, driven by the desire to escape from routine, to tell new worlds or simply seek new opportunities. As he did Marco Polo or Tiziano Terzani». But the search for the unknown, again according to Lonely Planet, «also evokes a taste for challenge, the need to reinvent oneself elsewhere or simply the drive to leave, whatever the destination, for the pure pleasure of going».

The program

A preview of the UlisseFest was already had on May 31st with Alexander D’Avenia May 31st. The teacher and writer from Palermo was the protagonist of Ulysses, the journey and our daily odyssey, a reflection on the importance that the journey assumes in the realization of our personality. We will continue today with Pepper Servillo and the charismatic figure of Tiziano Terzani, the great journalist and writer who this year marks two decades since his death, author of the iconic book ‘A fortune teller told me’, which inspired the musical reading scheduled at the Auditorium della Mole. Tomorrow, July 3, it’s cinema time. As part of the ‘Lazzabaretto Cinema’ program, the works of the Banff Mountain Film Festival special edition will arrive in Ancona, with three screenings through which we will travel to the United States, Norway and Central Asia: three stories amidst grandiose scenarios, memorable adventures and enterprises in the name of inclusiveness. On July 4, at 5:30 pm, a round table on corporate tourism will be held at the Loggia de Mercanti: Corporate museums as a tool for spreading the culture of Made in Italy, curated by Visit Industry Marche. In Piazza del Plebiscito at 7.30 pm there will be a jazz concert dedicated to pieces by famous musicians who have found inspiration in Switzerland or have chosen Switzerland as a place to live with theAndrea Pagani Quintet, special guest Giulio Todrani The sound of Switzerland. At 9.30pm at the Arena sul Mare Vasco Brondi in concerto.

On July 5th at the Loggia dei Mercanti here is The experience of travel con Mark PeciVice President Astoi/Quality. Because traveling is much more than just arriving at your destination. This awareness is now at the center of the proposals of the most attentive tour operators, who offer travelers approaches and activities that can take them to the heart of the place visited. Also present are Con Group, Louis Scortichini (Go World) e Gianluca Mancini (Wwf Travel), Valentina Rubbi (Shiruq by Mappamondo), Corrado Locatelli (To Bespoke Travel) e Roberta Longo (Press tour by Turisanda). Moderate Piero Pasiniauthor Lonely Planet. Always at the Loggia dei Mercanti, but at 6.30 pm here is Travelling without barriers: Accessibility narrated by those who are committed to guaranteeing everyone the right to tourism. Guests John Ferrero of Tourism and Aldo GrassiniPresident of the Omero Museum. Moderated by the journalist Marco Giovannelli. Still at the Loggia dei Mercanti, again at 6.30pm The Return of a Millennial Traveler – The Olive Grove of Ancona, a Story to Tell. Since in Ancona grows one of the few urban olive groves in Italy. With Fabio Marzanowriter, journalist and botany expert, and Enrico Maria Lodoliniprofessor at the Polytechnic University of Marche, we will discover the stories related to this plant in urban environments. At the end of the meeting there will be a tasting of the oil produced by the University with the Mignola variety, with a strong fruity aroma.

Again at 7.30pm but this time in Piazza del Plebiscito Seven Paths to the Earth con Paul Pecereprofessor of History of Philosophy at the University of Roma Tre, who will lead those present on a journey through the history of thought, the past and future of the Earth, in search of a better and more sustainable dimension of our inhabiting the blue Planet. At 7:30 pm in the same location here is I travel to italy between beauty, history, taste and culture of extraordinary destinations with Francesco Tapinassi of Tuscany Promotion, Sandra Torre Tourism Director of the Municipality of Genoa, Antonio Nicoletti of Apt Basilicata, Ancona and Tom HallVice President Lonely Planet e Peter ContaldoPresident Igers Italy. Modera Luca Iaccarino. At 8.30pm at the Arena sul Mare Gianluca Gotto: Exploring the Unknown. Writer, traveler and social icon, Gianluca Gotto will tell his journey towards unknown lands, talking with Angel PainterWe return to Piazza del Plebiscito at 9.30pm for The living room of the world Off-the-radar travel where we will talk about the best ideas to escape mass tourism and avoid the beaten track. With Purple Best (Evaneos) Piccarda Frulli (Switzerland Tourism), Enrico Bernasconi (Rhaetian Railway), Ester Tamasi (VisitMalta), Chen Jianyang (China National Tourism Bureau) and Alessandra Bitetti (New York City Tourism + Conventions). Modera: Doris Zaccone. Then at the Arena sul Mare at 10.30pm Super Taranta in concert. The most beloved and well-known artists of Salento music bring to the stage the voice of a territory that makes its local identity a global invitation to meet and share. Free admission. Finally Arena sul Mare from midnight to 1.30 DJ set Fever at ’90: the party dedicated to the best of 90s music. Free admission. The program for July 6 and 7 will be announced later.

Changes to traffic

The UlisseFest has led the Municipality of Ancona to make some changes to traffic and parking in order to ensure the smooth running of the event, Traffic restriction measures have been established from 8am on Thursday 4th July to 6am on Sunday 7th July: Vanvitelli Promenadein the section between Piazza Dante and the archaeological area, parking and stopping are prohibited between number 1 and the traffic lights in the direction of Via Loggia. Customs Square – no parking or stopping in the central part of the square (due to the location of the Igenio garage). The Lodge Street – no parking or stopping in the 2 disabled parking spaces near the Rai building, which will have to be recreated in the herringbone parking spaces adjacent to the Teatro delle Muse.

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