Maxi hiring plan for 350 jobs for private jet maintenance – QuiFinanza

Maxi hiring plan for 350 jobs for private jet maintenance – QuiFinanza
Maxi hiring plan for 350 jobs for private jet maintenance – QuiFinanza

The relaunch of the maintenance service aerial at theOlbia Airport – Costa Smeralda marks an important turning point in the business aviation sector for the entire national territory. Thanks to a new strategic agreement worth several millions between Geasar and Atitech, they will be created well 350 new jobs, between technicians and experts who will deal exclusively with private jets. Among other things, this is a significant opportunity for many former Air Italy employees and for young people who want to enter the aeronautical sector.

The maxi investment of 16 million

The ten-year contract between Atitech e Geasswhich manages the Olbia – Costa Smeralda airport, plans an investment of 16 million euros for the reactivation of the Avio 1 and Avio 2 hangars. The project includes the creation of six basic maintenance platforms and a further two for the renovation of cabin interiors, intended for private jets. They will also be invested 7 million euros in the training of maintenance technicians and other highly specialized professional figures.

The 350 jobs and the figures sought

The new hires represent a concrete hope for workers who have lost their jobs after the liquidation of Air Italy in 2020, about 600 former employees in Sardinia and another 900 in the Peninsula. To date, only a small portion have been rehired by other airlines such as Aeroitalia, Ita Airways and Leonardo.

Now, thanks to the new market expansion Mro (Maintenance, repair and overhaul), which is currently worth 10.7 billion dollars and is expected to reach 14 billion within the next four years, these new job opportunities bring positivity back to an area that feared abandonment.

There is talk of 350 new figures to be hired once the works are completed. Restoration of the hangars, with training courses aimed at making new workers and former Air Italy employees able to compete with international competitors. They have not yet been published requirements hey titles foreseen by the maxi hiring plan. Updates are expected in the near future from the companies involved.

The economic and employment impact

Atitech is the largest independent MRO company in the EMEA market, i.e. Europe, the Middle East and Africa. It won the tender launched by Geasar, beating over 30 international companies. The choice of Atitech was determined by the solidity of the business plan presented, by the significant planned investments and the expected economic impact on the territory.

As already mentioned, it will not only make use of theformer staff of Air Italy, but will also aim at the training of new resourcescollaborating with regional institutions and local technical institutes.

Silvio PippobelloCEO of Geasar, declared during the presentation of the plan that the foundations have finally been laid to “revive an adventure that began 60 years ago”, underlining how aeronautical maintenance is an activity of significant importance for Sardinia and a sector of excellence in terms of technological innovation.

Also the president and CEO of Atitech, Gianni Lettieriexplained that this is a project that will only have positive repercussions on the territory in economic and employment terms. The company he leads will guarantee the know-how to respond “rapidly and effectively” to requests for maintenance interventions in the private jet market and at the same time will collaborate with regional institutions and technical institutes for the training of new resources and the relocation of “highly qualified” Air Italy personnel.

How to apply for an airport job

While waiting to know the requirements and qualifications for the hiring of the 350 new figures, let’s see which positions are open at the Olbia – Costa Smeralda airport and present on the eRecruiting platform of Gaesar, Cortesa and Eccelsa Aviation, the companies present in the airport .

The candidature must be sent exclusively with filling out the online form on the site, by clicking on Apply online and completing the four steps:

  • enter your personal data;
  • select the professional figure you aspire to;
  • attach a photo and your CV file (in .jpg, .png, .tiff or .gif format and with a maximum weight of 200 kb);
  • read and accept the privacy policy.

The form will then be recorded in the database and will be examined for selections consistent with your profile. selection of workers occurs through:

  • logical and aptitude tests;
  • foreign language knowledge test;
  • individual interview;
  • collective job days to evaluate group dynamics.

Job offers at Olbia airport

Let’s see what they are open positions and what are the requirements for each:

  • Sales clerk (commercial sector – retail) with high school diploma, availability to work shifts, knowledge of the English language, predisposition to work in contact with the public, only with experience in the role and knowledge of the sector of typical regional and national agri-food products;
  • Ramp Agent e Check-in and boarding clerk (handling sector) with a degree or high school diploma, knowledge of English and other languages, availability to work shifts, predisposition to work in contact with the public and ability to relate to others.
  • Driver loading and unloading luggage (handling sector) with high school diploma, C and D driving licences, availability to work shifts;
  • Store (commercial sector) with availability to work shifts, even without experience;
  • Multifunction operator kitchen, dining room and bar (food and beverage sector) with availability to work shifts, predisposition to work in contact with the public, knowledge of the English language, even without experience.

To become a member of Staff a degree is required and the preferred channel is an internship, generally lasting a minimum of 6 months.

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