Barletta, RDS Summer Festival is back: lots of live guests

Barletta, RDS Summer Festival is back: lots of live guests
Barletta, RDS Summer Festival is back: lots of live guests

Barletta is preparing to welcome one of the most anticipated musical events of the summer with the return of the RDS Summer Festival to the Castle moat. The dates set are July 5 and 6, as announced by Mayor Cosimo Cannito through his social media channels. This festival, now in its third edition, promises to be an explosion of spectacle and entertainment, hosted by Anna Pettinelli.

An Exceptional Lineup

The RDS Summer Festival 2024 will feature a cast of nationally and internationally renowned artists, including names such as Achille Lauro, Arisa, Fedez, Irama and Mahmood. Spectators will enjoy exciting performances and a musical mix that ranges from the most popular to the most innovative genres.

A Festival for Everyone

Admission to the event is free and open to all music fans, with reservations available through the official website starting May 21. The festival isn’t just about music: it will also feature a wide range of games, art installations and other entertainment to suit a diverse audience.

Opportunities for New Talents

One of the peculiarities of the RDS Summer Festival is the opportunity offered to emerging talents to perform in front of a large audience. With the initiative “RDS Summer Festival, with Galbanino the stage is yours! Vol.2”, young artists will have the opportunity to share the stage with big names in Italian music, thus opening up to new opportunities and visibility.

A Complete Experience

Thanks to the support of the main sponsors, including Coca Cola, the festival will not fail to offer moments of entertainment, sampling activities and the distribution of gadgets to further enrich the experience of the participants.

Barletta in Celebration

The RDS Summer Festival is an important cultural event that enlivens the summer in Barletta, inviting residents and visitors to experience days of lightheartedness and fun in the name of good music and art. With its festive atmosphere and the vibrant energy of its shows, the festival promises to consolidate itself as one of the most significant moments of the year for the city.

In conclusion, Barletta is preparing to celebrate music and entertainment with the RDS Summer Festival, an event that stands out for its ability to unite the community around the culture and joy of live music.

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