“Salis looks like a waitress from Catanzaro”

“Salis looks like a waitress from Catanzaro”
“Salis looks like a waitress from Catanzaro”

Victor Feltridirector of the national daily newspaper “Il Giornale”, has committed a serious blunder which, once again, it undermines the perception of Southern Italyseen as territory that always has “something less”. Feltri, perhaps thinking he was being ironic, commented on the latest onMEP Ilaria Salis and, from a point of view that completely eludes the journalistic one, he dropped the bomb: “Salis seems dressed like a waitress from Catanzaro”.

We wonder, therefore, how the waitresses of Forte dei Marmi dress, given that those of Catanzaro do not seem to be approved by the lines of “good taste” of the director Feltri. Who, in the comment, has demonstrated everything except being the head of a newspaper. The unfortunate exit did not please the Mayor of Catanzaro either, Nicholas Flowery.

Fiorita: “Feltri be ashamed!”

Vittorio Feltri the true face of Padania. We will take him to court for his unacceptable offenses against our city and for yours racist phrases. These are the champions of differentiated autonomy. Be ashamed and if you have a minimum of decency, apologize to Catanzaro and to the women who toil in bars and restaurants with great dignity. More and more determined to resist the arrogance and arrogance of the Po Valley.”

Feltri shock: “Salis dressed like a waitress from Catanzaro”

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