New face at Teamnetwork Albatro, left-handed winger Daniele De Luca arrives from Trieste

New face at Teamnetwork Albatro, left-handed winger Daniele De Luca arrives from Trieste
New face at Teamnetwork Albatro, left-handed winger Daniele De Luca arrives from Trieste

New market coup for Teamnetwork Albatro. The left-footed winger arrives from Trieste Daniele DeLuca. Born in 2002, from Noci in Puglia, stocky physique, 172 cm tall and weighing 70 kg, he played last season with the alabardati, scoring 47 goals. However, this performance was not enough for the Giuliani to remain in the top division.

The first steps in his region with the Conversano jerseys – with whom he debuted in A1 – and Walnuts. In 2021 he moved to Fondi with which – as a protagonist – he won promotion to the top flight. After a season in the Gold with the Lazio shirt, he moved to Pallamano Trieste.

The new blue-orange winger also made numerous appearances for the various national youth teams.

De Luca, “Honoured to have Garralda as a coach”

I am very happy to become part of this reality, Siracusa has been confirming itself at good levels for two years now – comments De Luca who will wear the number 13 shirt – expectations are certainly high, but the pitch will do the talking. Above all, it will be important to become a united group and I am sure that the “senators” of the house will give us a great hand – adds the left-handed man – I am also honored to have Garralda as a coach, personally I can’t wait to start and make myself available to the team. Greetings to all the fans!”.

Arrivals and confirmations at Teamnetwork Albatro

De Luca’s is the fourth arrival at the bluarancio house. Previously, the Aretuseo club made official the Polish central defender Artur Sanek, the Swedish pivot Albin Mesanovic and the full-back Filippo Angiolini.

Among those confirmed, however, is goalkeeper Pedro Hermones, who will be the new captain of the team following the retirement of Andrea Calvo. Also still in Syracuse are Juan Ignacio Cantore, Vito Claudio Marino and Marko Bobicic.

The features of the team that will play in the next top national men’s handball series are becoming increasingly clear, with the aim of improving on the eighth place achieved last season.

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