a thousand euros a month for mothers. The proposal

a thousand euros a month for mothers. The proposal
a thousand euros a month for mothers. The proposal

A bill for the‘Establishment of maternity income’, which constitutes an economic benefit granted upon request to resident Italian citizen women who turn to a public clinic, or a health facility authorized by the Region or to a trusted doctor.

As we learn from adnkronos: “With the aim of mobilizing resources and identifying solutions support for women to address economic and social hardship which fuels the demographic crisis in Italy.

To sign the proposed by the leader of Forza Italia in the Senate, Maurizio Gasparri, who will present it at a press conference scheduled for next Wednesday, July 3, at 1pm.

The Democratic Party reacted immediately. Dem Senator Cecilia D’Elia spoke of “pure propaganda made on the skin of women, and above all by those who abolished the citizen’s income”, while for her party colleague Valeria Valente “Senator Gasparri is provoking knowing he is doing so, this time by proposing a bill to include a maternity income of 1000 euros per month until the child is 5 years old for women with economic problems who decide not to abort”.

“I don’t know if it’s the usual provocation that Gasparri has accustomed us to, but his proposal is certainly aberrant: those who cancelled the Citizen’s Income now talk about maternity income, promising money to those who don’t have an abortion. It seems to me like a perverse invasion of women’s lives”, reacts the leader of the Democratic Party at Palazzo Madama, Francesco Boccia.

“The peace of mind to bring a child into the world is achieved with the awareness of being able to count on measures to combat precarious work, the housing emergency, with help to return to work after pregnancy.

What Gasparri is proposing – continues the president of the Democratic senators – is economic blackmail at the expense of women.

Abortion is never an easy choice but it is a right. And women who decide to abort cannot be treated as unaware people who need to be convinced with financial contributions.

We are faced with an insult to women. When we are faced with abortions we are probably faced with unwanted pregnancies and women’s choice must be respected, not induced economically. Perhaps Gasparri – concludes Boccia – has not read Marina Berlusconi’s interview but with this proposal he is transforming FI into a confessional party”.

“Boccia – Gasparri replies – hasn’t read anything in his life. He speaks with contemptuous tones and as a truly ignorant bearer of hatred and insults.

I am not abolishing any provision of Law 194 and I am not preventing any woman from having an abortion with this proposal of mine.

I simply say, unlike the insulter Boccia who does not read the laws, that to implement 194 and the aid to women mentioned in that law, speeches are not enough, but also concrete facts. Offering the possibility of a maternity income, which you can refuse and continue with your choice to have an abortion, is an opportunity.

“Boccia – concludes the Italian exponent – speaks arrogantly, with Nazi tones as an enemy of life. I’m sorry that after so many years of politics he is so biased and so unprepared, but for this reason he has always remained on the wrong positions “”.

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