Health Revolution in Lecce

Health Revolution in Lecce
Health Revolution in Lecce

LECCE – With a budget of 3 million 259 thousand euros, the ASL of Lecce has approved a plan for additional services with a dual objective: to reduce waiting lists and acquire additional services due to staff shortages and organizational needs that cannot be managed otherwise, in very specific areas and objectives.

This is the first time that this has happened in the healthcare sector of the province of Lecce. The additional services in question, specifically, are those freelance activities that are requested by the company from doctors, nurses and other professionals in the healthcare sector, on an exceptional and temporary basis, to supplement the institutional activity.

The plan, according to the ASL of Lecce, guarantees a schedule of additional services for 2024, with the definition of the priority areas of interest, those with the greatest criticality, and on the basis of historical data, assigning a budget to the directors of the Department or Structure for the organization and provision of additional sessions. The priority areas of intervention are: the Emergency Departments, the Emergency Departments, the Anesthesia and Resuscitation Departments, the Nephrology and Dialysis Departments, Diagnostics, the Tutor Lists that activate guarantee paths for all outpatient services, Oncology Screening.

But what will be the practical implications? According to the ASL, thanks to this plan, it will be possible to increase the number of operating room sessions, radiodiagnostic tests with large machines, dialysis sessions. Furthermore, it will support the organization of emergency rooms, screenings and, as already mentioned, there should be a contribution to reducing waiting lists.

The directives and operating procedures for the performance of additional services and the related authorization and liquidation process were approved at the same time.

“This plan – explains the general manager, Stefano Rossi – has several advantages: based on the needs of health planning and optimization of spending, it aims to allocate additional resources in understaffed structures, such as the emergency urgency, and nerve centers, and it does so on the basis of rigid and shared criteria, supporting the structures that, also on the basis of detailed analysis of historical data, are suffering due to staff shortages”.

“The plan – concludes Rossi – aims at the same time to strengthen the ‘tutor lists’, so that there is ever greater coherence between the prescription priority code and waiting times, and to guarantee the adherence and extension objectives foreseen by the Nsg/Lea indicators for the three levels of screening programmes”.

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