Prato, inaugurated in Galciana the thirteenth fountain in the municipal territory

Prato, inaugurated in Galciana the thirteenth fountain in the municipal territory
Prato, inaugurated in Galciana the thirteenth fountain in the municipal territory

The mayor: ‘Important service and point of reference for the community of Galciana, which has been waiting for it for a long time’

Prato inaugurated the thirteenth Fontanello: has been active since Thursday morning via Brasimone. Among others, the inauguration was attended by Ilaria Bugetti, Mayor of the Municipality of Prato, and Nicola Perini, President of Publiacqua.

The one installed at Galciana it is, as mentioned, the thirteenth fountain serving the citizens of the municipality after those of Vergaio, Iolo, via Pomeria, Grignano, Fontanelle, Galceti, Tavola, Chiesanuova, Mezzana, San Paolo, San Giorgio a Colonica and La Querce.

From 2017 to 2023, Prato’s fountains dispensed over 34.5 million litres. All this for an overall saving of over 23 million 1.5 liter bottles of water not produced with a saving for the environment of around 796 tonnes of plastic and around 4,776 tonnes of CO2 and for citizens’ pockets of over 7, 2 million euros.

“This new fountain represents an important service and a point of reference for the community of Galciana, which in fact has been waiting for it for some time. Quality water, free, controlled and refrigerated, which must not be wasted and which must be used as a precious commodity made available to all. Not only. This translates into greater environmental sustainability and fewer plastic bottles to recycle. A small gesture made by each of us can translate into something more important for the entire community”, Ilaria Bugetti, Mayor of the Municipality of Prato.

“Publiacqua has installed 128 fountains and 13 of these are in Prato. We feel the desire to enrich the community with this service for a substantial issue which is to combat the use of water in plastic bottles. For our part, it is a duty to enhance public water and fountains are an important tool to encourage its use. This is also why we are working to further improve them and make them increasingly popular with our citizens”, Nicola Perini, President of Publiacqua.

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