ROUND TRIP – Ancona Culture

ROUND TRIP – Ancona Culture
ROUND TRIP – Ancona Culture

a journey with the backdrop of Crass Park

(from 4 years)

with Cecilia Raponi, Natascia Zanni

When we leave for a trip we prepare the suitcase and put everything we will need inside.
When we go on a journey we open ourselves up to new worlds
When we go on a journey we rely on the unexpected
When we go on a journey we know something about ourselves

When you come back from the trip your suitcase doesn’t look like it did before
When we return from the journey we are a new world
When you return from the trip what was unexpected has become amazement
When we return from the journey we know something about the world

In between…there is everything else

Tuesday 2 – Wednesday 3 – Thursday 4 – Friday 5 July
Tuesday 9th – Wednesday 10th – Thursday 11th – Friday 12th July
Tuesday 16th – Wednesday 17th – Thursday 18th – Friday 19th July
Tuesday 23rd – Wednesday 24th – Thursday 25th – Friday 26th July
at 6.00 pm

Tickets (single seat): euro 5.00
Ticket sales at the entertainment venues, from one hour before.
reservation mandatory allo 071 82805
info: [email protected]

or to the Teatro delle Muse Ticket Office
(Monday to Friday, 9.30am – 2.30pm)
tel. 071 52525 | e-mail [email protected]

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