low pressure in the southern districts of the capital

Due to old pipes and lack of pressure, some families in the Municipio VII of Rome, in the Appio Tuscolano, Giardinetti and Don Bosco neighborhoods, are experiencing a real water emergency these days, especially in the evening hours.

In some areas south of Rome, Town hall 7there is little water and several dozen families are experiencing a real water emergency. Problems are reported in the neighborhood Appio Tuscolano, Don Bosco and Giardinetti. According to what we have learned, they would be linked to the pipes being too old and the resulting drop in pressure.

Pipes too old, no water in several homes in South Rome

The problem is related to the lack of pressure and according to That this is due to pipes that are too old and is, therefore, a problem for individual condominiums. The fact remains, they explain in a note John Cedrone e Fabio Santonocetocoordinator and vice-coordinator of Forza Italia in Municipio Roma VII, “that dozens and dozens of users are in extreme difficulty, in the middle of the summer season without water and without any assistance, abandoned by Municipio VII and the Municipality of Rome”. Some citizens, they explain, have reported that the tanks are dry, “a sign that perhaps the problem is much wider than what Acea claims”.

Pending further checks, “which certainly cannot be concluded with the scant communication given by Acea”, Cedrone and Santonoceto ask for the activation of a tanker service in the area for emergency refueling. “This is a problem that affects hundreds of people, Gualtieri cannot pretend nothing is happening”, the two Forza Italia representatives claim.

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“Entire neighborhoods of Rome risk access to drinking water in the middle of summer”

The 5 Star Movement is also on the same wavelength, with Linda MeleoM5s group leader in Campidoglio, and Emanuel TrumpetM5S group leader in Municipio VII, who speak of entire neighborhoods of Rome that “risk seeing their access to drinking water compromised, in the middle of summer”.

According to what was reported by the representatives of the 5 Star Movement, the hardships that are affecting dozens of Roman families are profound, to whom the water does not arrive late in the evening and are therefore unable to carry out all the household chores, as happened, they explain, yesterday in via Enea. “We are ready to present a second question. The water service is essential for the health of citizens and must be restored as soon as possible”, reads the note released by the 5 Star Movement.

Which areas are affected by the lack of water?

The problems, Meleo and Trombetta say, began in the area between San Giovanni and Giardinetti and appear to be linked to a drop in the pressure of the water distributed by Acea. “We immediately intervened by submitting a question: since then the situation in the Giardinetti area seems to have improved, but now the problems are extending from Appio Latino to Don Bosco. We have received many reports with testimonies of what is happening”.

According to what we have learned, the water problems are affecting some buildings in the Appio Tuscolano and Don Bosco districts, within the Municipality VII of Rome

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