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Italy disaster at Euro 2024: Spalletti talks too much. A collective reflection is needed

Italy disaster at Euro 2024: Spalletti talks too much. A collective reflection is needed
Italy disaster at Euro 2024: Spalletti talks too much. A collective reflection is needed

OfDaniele Dallera

No one is saved, from the coach Spalletti a binge of thoughts and concepts, but Italy is small and Switzerland seemed like Real Madrid

Disgust and anger. Two annoying sensations that spoil a day that risks being memorable. But in a negative way. A national team in such bad shape, coming home from the European Championships in Germany, beaten and humiliated by Switzerland, historically more inclined to sports such as skiing and bobsleigh, ice hockey comes to mind if we contemplate team play.

Spalletti talks too much

A national team that in a European Championship only barely managed to beat Albania by divine right and saved itself at the last second against Croatia, snatching a draw that brought us to this eighth final and to a bitter and unacceptable truth: a national team of poor quality, so small that Switzerland seemed like Real Madrid.

Luciano Spalletti is a trained technician, his career speaks for him, the championship won with Napoli is a happy reality, but it is also true that he talks too much. A binge of thoughts and concepts, of ideas, with a language that stuns him and makes you ask: «… but what does he mean…». Yesterday after the fool he was strangely clear: “The responsibility is mine.” A proven man. But it is all of Italian football, which does not see the World Cup for two editions, thrown out of the European Championship in the first real test.

Game, character, personality: everything was missing, even the physique for healthy young people who struggle with every ball. Only one man in command: Gigio Donnarumma who saves and does everything to avoid humiliation, he also tries against Switzerland, but he is the only innocent of a flop expedition. Once upon a time Korea was talked about as a failure, now Switzerland will become fashionable.

With all due respect to the size of a presidency like that of the United States, there is much discussion about Biden, whether he is still up to the situation and the high responsibility. Well, if we talk about Italian football here, we see little clarity: without going that far, to the White Housebut remaining in the Palaces of our Balloon, a collective reflection is necessary.

June 29, 2024


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