“The summer of big events. Hoping for the weather so far very disappointing”

“The summer of big events. Hoping for the weather so far very disappointing”
“The summer of big events. Hoping for the weather so far very disappointing”

Sun and crowded beaches in the last weekend of June to leave behind a decidedly disappointing month from the point of view of the bathing season. The uncertain weather did not favor the take-off of the summer which should, however, get into full swing starting from next week, with the stabilization of temperatures and the settling of a more typically summery climate. “So far we have not yet had a ‘sold out’ weekend, – says Gianluca Tiozzo, president of Fiba Confesercenti Pisa – in fact, we have been quite far from full”. “On the other hand, he explains – the unstable weather conditions have had a decisive impact on the start of the season, but we expect an improvement in the months of July and August”. “I am confident for the next two months – adds Fabrizio Fontani, president of the Balneari Sib union of Confcommercio Pisa – for which we have recorded a high number of bookings. All that remains, therefore, is to hope for good weather, also in view of the numerous events scheduled on our coast, from Marina to Calambrone”. “There are many high-level initiatives – he continues – combining music, culture and also entertainment for our young people”. The month of July opens, in fact, in the name of fun with Marina Dance Parade, the free music festival scheduled for Friday in Marina di Pisa and now in its fifth edition, with free admission and over 20 national and international DJ sets.

A series of cultural meetings will instead enliven the redeveloped Ciclilandia park in Tirrenia, which from 6 to 27 July will host the ‘Dialoghi d’autore’ festival, in collaboration with the Libreria Pellegrini and the Libreria Civico 14. Also in Tirrenia, four musical evenings are planned: on 16 July there will be a tribute to Dalla, Battisti and Battiato, on the 17th the evening will be dedicated to Raffaella Carrà, on the 18th the 80s will be the protagonists with guests icons of the decade such as Sandy Marton and Tracy Spencer and, finally, on the 19th the appointment with La Notte Blu di Tirrenia and with SergioFrisciaDjSet Live Animation. More music in the month of August, with Colapesce Dimartino and the Santi Francesi in concert in Marina on the 18th and 21st respectively. There will also be a busy calendar in Calambrone, where, throughout the summer, musical events, shows and talk shows will take place as part of the ‘Eliopoli summer’.

Stefania Tavella

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