“The Dinner of the Stars”: a triumph of solidarity in Faenza

“The Dinner of the Stars”: a triumph of solidarity in Faenza
“The Dinner of the Stars”: a triumph of solidarity in Faenza

On Wednesday 26 June, in the suggestive location of the Villa Abbondanzi Resort in Faenza, the fourth edition of “La Cena delle Stelle” was held, an event organized by the Romagna Oncology Institute which combines haute cuisine and solidarity. Chef Igles Corelli, historical supporter of the IOR and mastermind of the initiative, has put together a dream team behind the stove again in 2024, with the executive chef of the Atman Restaurant in Villa Rospigliosi, Marco Cahssai, on the starters; Antonella Ricci and Vinod Sookar, known as the “Romeo and Juliet of Italian cuisine”, on the second courses; and Corrado Parisi for desserts. Five greats in the restaurant industry who brought together seven Michelin stars for a unique, unrepeatable and exclusive menu, an authentic journey into flavors which enchanted the 134 people sitting at the table, who came to Faenza to delight their palates but also to support scientific oncological research which brings new and increasingly effective treatment opportunities to the patients’ bedside.

And precisely in accordance with the real reason why “La Cena delle Stelle” is created, the emotions did not come exclusively from the excellent dishes tasted during the dinner: at the end of the evening, in fact, the touching video testimony of Michele Mariani arrived, cancer patient to whom the event was ideally dedicated. The fifty-six year old from Pesaro is in fact suffering from multiple myeloma, a blood neoplasm known to be the disease which also affects the artist Giovanni Allevi and for which sustained innovative studies are being carried out at the IRST “Dino Amadori” IRCCS in Meldola by the IOR also through the contributions received yesterday. Michele talked about how he transformed the disease into something positive for himself and for those around him: every time he is admitted to the Sant’Orsola Polyclinic in Bologna, or goes to the department where he is followed for tests and therapies, in fact he brings with him the red clown nose and gives moments of joy to “fellow sufferers”, nurses and doctors. His particular colorful creations earned him the title of “balloon wizard”: and even if he couldn’t be present due to the recent transplant he underwent, his splendid balloons were there, which triggered a real and its own “solidarity competition” among those present for whoever got the nicest work with donations. As many as 33 people made a further contribution, for a total of almost 3,000 euros to be added to the proceeds from the evening’s participation and to the support of the main partner of the event, Terre Cevico. In the end, around 40,000 euros were raised for the scientific research carried out by the IRST of Meldola.

«The mission of the Romagna Oncology Institute is not only to be “close to those who suffer”, but also “together with those who care” – explained Luca Panzavolta, President of the IOR – in tonight’s case we are particularly proud because we support independent research on a rare pathology, which, having lower numbers in terms of incidence, certainly receives fewer contributions. For us, obviously, every patient deserves the utmost attention and to receive new treatment opportunities that increase the prospects of survival. Even tonight, Romagna confirms itself as a geographically limited land but with a strong push towards solidarity and generosity: even the weather has been kind to us and allows us to enjoy a beautiful event in a splendid location, with many friends present to make a difference together ». Fabrizio Miserocchi, General Director of IOR and President of IRST, is also on the same wavelength: «Hope must belong to everyone. The partnership between IOR and IRST allows us to give legs to promising research that would otherwise struggle to find resources, helping to support the work of doctors, biologists and laboratory technicians who bring new opportunities to the patient’s bedside. Tonight is just one of the many opportunities to participate in our life: with “La Cena delle Stelle” the calendar of IOR fundraising events for the first part of the year ends. Once the summer is over we will return with even greater enthusiasm to raise awareness among as many people about the issues of the fight against cancer.”

Chef Igles Corelli, the true soul of the evening, acted as spokesperson for the team in the kitchen. «My sensitivity towards the IOR’s mission was unfortunately born from the cases of cancer I had in my family: both my father and my aunt passed away due to this disease, so I approached this non-profit to do my part in ensuring that research makes progress against this pathology. It is the fourth year that we have proposed “La Cena delle Stelle” if we also consider last year’s “Reunion Trigabolo”: these are events in which it is always a pleasure to participate even beyond the good cause, because they are transformed into opportunities to see friends again and fellow chefs. I would say that this format works because participation has always been strong: these are evenings that become beautiful, heartfelt, exciting parties, in a word, a success.” A success which, as mentioned at the beginning, is also due to the friendship of a main partner like Terre Cevico who, in addition to supporting the costs of the evening, added a contribution for research. «We are very honored to be here this evening – explained the President of the company, Franco Donati – we could not opt ​​out of an initiative which by supporting scientific research against cancer brings benefits to the entire territory in which we operate. For us it is important to be alongside the IOR not only for its scientific soul but also for its healthcare nature, both in the phases of people’s illness and in supporting them to return to life as it was before the diagnosis. This is not a mere sponsorship but an authentic friendship based on common values.” «On the other hand – added Paolo Galassi, General Director of Terre Cevico – we too, like the IOR, are a cooperative: we address 4000 members and we take the utmost consideration of every project dedicated to taking care of their health. I believe doing good for the area in which we operate is fundamental and we are proud to support the fight against cancer: it is a path that we have started a few years ago and we will certainly continue on this path.”

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