Banking, Erriquez from Sassari at the helm of First Cisl Sardinia – Sassari Oggi

Banking, Erriquez from Sassari at the helm of First Cisl Sardinia – Sassari Oggi
Banking, Erriquez from Sassari at the helm of First Cisl Sardinia – Sassari Oggi

Sassari native Ettore Erriquez, general secretary of First Cisl

AND Hector Erriquez54 years old, from Sassari, the new general secretary of the First Cisl (credit, insurance, tax collection and authorities). Married, father of two children, accountant and commercial expert, banker in the group Unicredit, Erriquez was first a union representative in the company, and then took on responsibility for First’s Sassari territory from 2013 to today. They will be there to support him in the secretariat Joanna Rose Pittalisof Nuoro, and Roberto Fiorifrom Cagliari, both employees of the Bank of Sardinia.

Erriquez was elected by the General Council, called to replace Sergio Murawhich became a few weeks ago general secretary of the CISL of Sassari and present at the works together with the national leader of the federation, Richard Colombaniand to the USR regional secretary, Mirko Idili.

Colombani’s words

The national leader respected the commitment made despite the convocation of the National Executive Committee, “for the pleasure of greeting and thanking Sergio Mura for the monumental work carried out. To Ettore – said Colombani – the wish to repeat, and perhaps improve, the results obtained in recent years, having the qualities and leveraging the very effective support and political and operational sharing of Giovanna Rosa and Roberto, in the name of continuity ”.

Erriquez’s first words

“I am taking up the political legacy of a great regional secretary – said the new secretary Erriquez -. With the commitment to continue along the path traced in the most recent congress. Our secretarial commitment is to give immediate priority to the pernicious phenomenon of depopulation of workers in the branches in the territories, those in direct contact with customers and users. There are segments of the population that do not have, for many reasons, easy access to digital methods, which however cannot replace the professional and human relationship based on trust”.

“Furthermore, banks and financial institutions in general should ensure, in addition to their economic results, the development of the territories in which they operate and that this is also convenient for everyone. The development of our region inevitably passes through a correct social function of credit. For this reason, we will monitor with the utmost attention every operation of the Bper Groupowner of the Banco di Sardegna, but also the attitude of the other national banks, open to supporting initiatives that translate into employment and economic growth in Sardinia but ready to oppose any choices that risk impoverishing our region”.

Also Mirko Idili underlined the phase of “profound transition and the important challenges to be faced to relaunch the economy and employment in Sardinia. Credit policies – he added – are fundamental and we are certain that First, under Erriquez’s leadership, will be able to play a leading role in addressing the important changes on the horizon”.

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