They clone the ambulance’s ATM and rob the Red Cross volunteers

They clone the ambulance’s ATM and rob the Red Cross volunteers
They clone the ambulance’s ATM and rob the Red Cross volunteers

The Red Cross volunteers of Moncalieri they go to the petrol station to refuel an ambulance with the association’s ATM card, but in the following hours unknown they empty it of a thousand euros after cloning it. This time even those who spend their time helping ordinary people and often have to look at the penny to make ends meet and guarantee services end up in the sights of “tech criminals”.

The complaint was presented to the local police by the president of the Moncalier branch of the association, Alessandro Cogno. The refueling was done at a distributor in the southern Turin area and it is not excluded that in addition to the Red Cross ATM, other magnetic cards of other customers were also cloned.

«The hope is to be able to recover something – explains Cogno -, we have already consulted those in charge and they have given us some hope of being able to get back a good part of what was stolen. We noticed it almost immediately, given that after the return of our vehicle, spending alerts arrived from that ATM. We are talking about purchases of around 200 euros at a time, on at least four occasions. We therefore blocked the card immediately, but about a thousand euros had already gone. Something that makes you angry, without a doubt.”

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The local police officers started investigating the case, trying to understand whether other similar cases were reported in those hours after the passage from the petrol station in question: «I think someone installed a card reading system on the refueling mechanism do it yourself – adds Cogno -, there are no other explanations, given that with that ATM no other expenses were made apart from the full tank of fuel”. The Red Cross offices have long faced increases in management costs, bending over backwards to overcome the period of soaring fuel prices linked to the war and that of spare parts to fix the vehicles that break down. This is why a theft of a thousand euros makes you even more angry.

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