top safety in Piacenza

The anti-fraud training course aimed at post office managers in the province of Piacenza took place in webinar mode. The session, which will progressively involve all over 800 post offices in Emilia Romagna, was organized to raise awareness among front-end staff on the issues of security and the fight against scams and scams against customers.

Fraud Management and Security Intelligence

“Knowing how to recognize a fraud before it is completed represents the keystone of prevention for all those scenarios in which fraudsters – declares the head of Fraud Management Centro Nord Alessandra Mariotti – convince our customers to carry out transactions to their detriment, often inviting them to go to our branches, posing as post office workers or anti-fraud personnel or even as self-styled police officials. To maximize the fight against fraud in Social Engineering, the Fraud Management and Security Intelligence Function of Poste Italiane periodically organizes training sessions with post office managers to provide updates on the main and most frequent techniques of deception and manipulation against customers in a to intervene promptly to block any illicit activities. During the meeting, in fact, some concrete cases of scams were analyzed and indications and tools for intervening were provided.”

Security in Piacenza

The Post Office is, in fact, the first place where citizens, who suspect they have been the victim of fraud, go and the speed of intervention of the staff is a key element in promptly blocking any transactions initiated or cards credit compromised if the citizen had provided confidential data (credentials and pin). In suspicious cases, post office staff can contact the two centers dedicated to fraud prevention, the Fraud Prevention Center in Rome and the Fraud Monitoring Center in Turin. The two offices, which employ more than one hundred resources, with long experience in the field of financial security and cyber security, are active 24 hours a day to guarantee the security of all operations carried out online and in the over 800 Post Offices in Emilia Romagna , in the 77 in the province of Piacenza and in general in the almost 13 thousand post offices in Italy. The Centers aim to constantly monitor the security of transactions carried out in Post Offices and online, through payment cards, e-commerce operations and those of the Poste Vita insurance branch. In support of the specialists who govern the entire control process, from prevention to the management of suspicious transactions, the Center adopts the most advanced technologies to further raise the level of security of the entire Group’s financial activities and strengthen the protection tools for the benefit of citizens against crimes and fraud.

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