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Simona Bruni confirmed at the helm of the two museums of Lamezia and Gioia Tauro

Simona Bruni confirmed at the helm of the two museums of Lamezia and Gioia Tauro
Simona Bruni confirmed at the helm of the two museums of Lamezia and Gioia Tauro

Lamezia Terme – With the Decree of 12 June 2024, following the competition procedures of the Ministry of Culture, the architect Simona Bruni was confirmed as Director of the Lametino Archaeological Museum of Lamezia Terme and of the Metauros Archaeological Museum of Gioia Tauro, belonging to the Regional Museums Directorate Calabria. Architect and PhD in Conservation of Architectural and Environmental Heritage, Simona Bruni is an official of the Ministry of Culture and since 2021 she has led the two important regional museums. An important confirmation for the leadership, which will allow the planning work and activities in the area to continue. Two museums in constant growth, as demonstrated by the visitor data of the last two years, a sign of a living and attractive heritage for users in the area and tourists.

As demonstrated in recent days by the now structured presence of the Lametino Museum at Festival Plots, with the Museum as an actor, among other Festival activities, of an exhibition on the heritage of assets confiscated from the mafias entitled “Returned art”. And also the imminent reopening to the public of the Mètauros Museum inside the eighteenth-century Palazzo Baldari entirely intended for the museum headquarters. A dense planning has been put in place, with the launch in recent days, through the PNRR funds, of the digitization and inclusion activities in the Digital Library of the archaeological collections of the two locations for an increasingly careful accessibility to the heritage of the public and the scientific community.

“It is with great honor that I welcome this reconfirmation – declares Bruni – I thank Director Filippo Demma for his renewed trust. I will continue to pursue in both museum locations, together with my collaborators, the objective which in recent years has become the foundation of all initiatives and project activities: the Museum as a territorial cornerstone in urban contexts – Museum as a Cultural HUB. Good heritage promotion practices, based on the enhancement of the identity relationship between museums/places of culture and the reference community, guarantee mutual sustainability and socio-economic development, spreading awareness of the cultural identity values ​​of reference”.


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